Below are good summaries of what the world is seeing and doing as the Dollar collapses as the world’s business currency. The BRIC countries are moving quickly to create their own currencies and using Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, and Oil/Gas to bolster their strength. The US dollar is certainly being dropped quickly. If you still haven’t moved your money into Gold, Silver, oil, gas, and maybe….. Bitcoin (I myself still twitch slightly at this idea), you may want to do so this week. Gold, silver, gas and oil are still going to be the best bets I think.
Anyway the US economy is about to finally stop the 2 year down hill roll, and go 90 degrees off a cliff soon. All the economic alarm bells are sounding so we shall see. Either way buckle up frens. Aug. and Sept. are going to be very hot. May God protect us all and give us strength to weather the Storm.
Keanu has starred in a number of pertinent films that were layered with predictive programming.
I really think the films from the 90s were prepping the population for The Great Awakening prior to 9/11/2001. Johnny Pneumonic, The Matrix, The Truman Show, Eyes Wide Shut, Fight Club... etc... We were on a trajectory of mass awakening prior to 9/11, at which point the Cabal put the world all back to sleep.
It's "Johnny Mnemonic" by the way, and it's an adaptation of a William Gibson short story from the 80's. Megacorps being the real government and such were a common theme in his writings.
Oh and then don’t forget about the one with the glasses….I forget the name….man the Truman show woke me the fuck up.
They Live
Yes …They Live …. That’s it
Listen to an interview with John Carpenter and it's ironic how he adapted "They Live" purely as a take that against Reagan, the dude had no idea of the true scope and cause of the real world issues he was railing against.