posted ago by CMAnon ago by CMAnon +45 / -0

Picture this. My brother-in-law is an MD with later stage MS, his wife is a PhD in psychology and has recently diagnosed breast cancer and just developed pericarditis of the heart. Their son was born with Type 1 diabetes is having difficulty finding the strength to get out of bed at 32 yrs of age. All have been fully vaxxed and boosted.

Since being vaxxed brother-in-law’s MS has worsened. His wife was diagnosed with aggressive cancer and now a serious heart condition and their son is noticing new severe neuro-muscular difficulties. They are all woke liberals and they and their doctors all agree the vax and boosters have nothing to do with any of it. When asked simply how would any of them know? Because that’s all conspiracy theories is their answer.

With that as a backdrop, understand these people are not alone in thinking like this. They represent a serious segment of the population that will never find fault with the jab, Fauci or Dems in general for anything. The reason I mention this is because a lot of patriots think people like this could still be persuaded to come over to the Republican side and ultimately vote Trump and his allies into office. Not these people. They will go to their untimely deaths fully captured by a leftist ideology that I maintain will ultimately kill them.

So I hope Trump isn’t waiting for a signal that more from the left are moving his way before taking action with the military if as he says “they have it all”. If Q is correct and the military is the only way, assuming they’re referring to the US military, then I hope it happens sooner vs later. We certainly won’t get many of the hard left awakened. Most doctors fall in that camp. It’s why we need Trump back in the saddle ASAP. Lot’s of house cleaning needs done, lots of structural changes need made to government, the medical field, education, MSM, Wall Street, the Fed, etc that he cannot start soon enough in my opinion.

The minds of most liberals are closed and welded shut. It’s a fact that I don’t ever see changing.