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We will, only after the Awakening, and the sleepers and normies have woken up and joined our ranks, we will all be sharing popcorn and watching the tribunals.
One of the more difficult things to learn, even on this forum, is the idea that all these groups we hear about have been lied about. One brilliant exampIe is IsIam. Many people here still don't know that IsIam venerates Jesus Christ. They believe in all His miracles and everything else, except that He is Son of God. I don't see that being reason enough to not be amicable. Many may seem litigious towards the West, but perhaps their ire is the same as ours in some ways.
Either way, if peace is what we want, we're going to have to get along with one another. We're going to have to realize that each and every one of us has been slandered in one way or another, and that most of these misunderstandings are by design. A design by those who want to hate on one another, to not see where the true issues are.
Gee, I wonder why Christians would hate Arab supremacist heretics who deny the divinity of Christ, deny the trinity, deny salvation by faith alone and the eternal security that comes with that, and who believe in a works based salvation so intense that eating the wrong thing would be enough to condemn you without an out. To speak nothing of the various cultural issues which are honestly more important for most people like naive folks like you than the far deeper theological and philosophical issues at play.
Just because the cabal loves using past grievances for their own ends doesn't mean those past grievances aren't legitimate and very, very, deep.
As for me, I'm more than willing to let Islam be Islam... Over there. Where it belongs. With a Truman style doctrine of containment to keep that sickness from spreading. Over here? In America? In the west at large? You get deported right back where you came from and take your prayer rugs with you.
I think the tribunals will happen when the House and senate have been cleaned as much as they can be during this election cycle.
There has to be enough people in positions of power willing to expose and fight the corruption.
Normies need only be awakened enough to look into candidates - and vote in America First ones.
Yeah true we’re some nosey little *****Ed aren’t we lol.