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I still maintain that military will not take over and the Great Awakening happens organically. If military takes over before this happens, everything we have suffered until now will be wasted since half the country/world will never believe this was real.
This is one of the most loaded phrases Q used. Military did all the heavy lifting up until now for the Plan to reach to this point. So without military we wouldn't have Great Awakening. Also military worked with the other countries to ensure this happened World Wide. Finally, this phrase has always been striking terror in the hearts of the Cabal, hence they are focusing all their efforts on neutering the military. Finally, this phrase helps to figure out paytriots. Those on telegram or youtube claiming military will step in expose themselves as LARP without any inside insights.
Military is the only way.... to have a safe election.
Succession of the previous administration is “another way” but there would have to be something else we don’t know about.
Trump has made weird comments to the effect that he’s been told to shut up so he doesn’t get dragged into “it” too. Or was it worded as “become a target” or “become part of the focus.” Sorry no source or approximate time. Definitely a “what the hell does he mean” moment. I promise you that he said it. I’m sorry i do NOT know what he meant by it.
If memory serves me correctly this was a long time before patelpatriot and others were on about what they’re calling “devolution “,” so no I didn’t get that idea from any of them or any of that. I just had a weird reaction to a direct statement from DJT himself
How many times have we wondered what the ‘shot heard around the world’ would be? A couple of days ago, Gonzalo Lira made a comment or a statement and just maybe this will be ‘the shot’. He believes that NATO/Pentagon/CIA are about to shoot or assassinate Zelinsky. They cannot afford (or the EU for that matter) to give him any more weapons or money to ‘rebuild’ Ukraine. They want him dead or disappeared. They cannot afford the world to see/hear about the globalists and their crimes as well as the globalists involved there in nefarious activities. He knows where all the bodies are buried. If he was shot or assassinated, it would be ‘the shot heard around the world’.
There are so many things aligning.