Okay—the bad guys inflicted Covid-19 on the world, then the good guys countered by unleashing the airborne vaccine "Omicron" on us, correct? Do you think it stopped there? Time for a VIBE CHECK: Fellow amphibians, how are you *really* feeling? Any new, strange, unusual 'bugs' going around?

Why is this sickied? Lately I'm kinda sick. Then I get better almost right away. Then I get sick again. It feels like a turbo-cold. And all my friends are sick. I honestly think more omicron-level shit is getting released. My gut feel says we're approaching full-on bio-warfare. I thought maybe it's a good time for a vibe check to see what others think on this. Thank you for understanding.
Canada, Alberta. BUT I just got back from nine months in Egypt a month ago and while I was over there I didn't even get a sniffle. I'm leaning towards it being the vax, now.
Well, since you ask.... I feel like total shit and have for about a week now. Sinuses locked up, coughing fits, lost energy, short of breath. I've had colds, but none with this much knock down power. Of to take a nap, after only being up 3hrs.
Exactly the same. Feel better, fren.
Yup. I know a couple people like that, including myself. Also know people in same environments with no effects at all.
Same. I’ve been up and down. When I’m feeling good I have a huge appetite.