Okay—the bad guys inflicted Covid-19 on the world, then the good guys countered by unleashing the airborne vaccine "Omicron" on us, correct? Do you think it stopped there? Time for a VIBE CHECK: Fellow amphibians, how are you *really* feeling? Any new, strange, unusual 'bugs' going around?

Reading through some of the symptoms and experiences in this thread…
Kinda makes you wonder what they are spraying all day up In the skies….
If I started feeling sick ,the first thing I would do is get urine sample sent for toxicology analysis specifically looking at arsenic levels. Saw some UK guys tracking flights for the past few months and they have been spot on predicting 24hr sickness outbreaks in specific areas based on flight patterns. Remember, the CDC was created to scare the masses over the "polio outbreak" that was the cover-up for mass pesticides poisoning. I don't think much has changed.
Yes exactly I saw another post here not too long ago where someone was detailing the 3 day spray and then the subsequent spike in sickness.
Like Clock Work.
Is it any wonder aerosol spray chemicals lacing the entire globe have been causing all sorts of respiratory and energy issues?