posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +231 / -0

The following is a response to the "I've been biting my tongue for over a year...." post.

I was inspired by the post, and the questions the anon is asking. So, here are my reflections.

"Tongue Biter" wrote:

Call me what you want. A doomer, a shill, a fag, I don’t care. I’m on this site everyday for a year and a half. I was 100,000,000,000,0000000000% convinced they were going to swoop in and arrest the whole gang at Brandon’s inauguration when he put his hand on the Bible… then I was convinced at the next event, and the next event, and the next event, and the next event and the next event and the next event and the next event… now here we are, end of July 20 fucking 22! Can someone fill me in? What am I missing here? It really looks like there is no plan and there never was a plan.

FI: I'm glad this post was stickied. It's only through solidarity that the path becomes easier. Solidarity that helps lift us when we stumble, and solidarity that makes it easier for us to see differently, or more clearly.

I want to be gentle with this anon. I think most of us, especially the OG anons, know where this comes from and have experienced it in one or more forms. So, one is not without sympathy.

The starting point for getting answers to these questions, or rather, getting an answer that responds to this state of mind and heart, starts here:

This pain you feel is PART of the awakening. It's what you need to go through in order to wake up. And, here is the kicker: you won't really find answers to these questions and this state of mind without discovering something key and critical about yourself. You just won't.

There are so many dimensions and aspects to consider here. Another reason why I'm so glad (a mod) stickied this post. Because the collective response from a wide variety of different angles is going to be the best imput you could ask for.

So, I'm not going to even attempt to post a comprehensive reply. A comprehensive reply would really require a very long essay, if not a small chapter.

Instead, what I'll try to do is offer a few points, ideally points that offer you a few directions you can put your attention to, in order to build the answers your mind is yearning for.

The first one is probably the hardest. And, it's hard to put it here because I really feel sympathy for what you're expressing here. But, I'd be doing you a disservice if I omitted this, so here goes.

But first, a caveat: the following is NOT a judgment. You're going to have to put judgment aside (by which I mean, moralistic judgment that says, I'm good for doing x, I'm bad for thinking x, etc.), because I'm certainly not going to judge you (aka hang on you for being a doomer, or a shill etc for posting the post and simply giving voice to the frustration and doubt you are feeling.)

So, here's the first point.: You have to take a look at yourself. You have to reflect on how your current state of mind tells you something about yourself. You won't find a satisfactory answer if you don't. You just won't. In fact, your post here, expressing your feelings and sense of things, is a great first step, because you've opened up to your community, which also means, you've opened up to yourself or put yourself out there in a way that is different from just thinking about it, or meditating on it, or churning through the feelings yourself day after day. So take that as a win, and proceed.

As soon as I read your post, a few things stood out like a blaring 10,000 watt lantern from a lighthouse. I'm going to share them as a suggestion for something I believe you'll really benefit from if you reflect on them, or just acknowledge them.

One, you are on this site every day for 1.5 years. Why? Why every day? Every single day? Are you NOT taking breaks? Are you not allowing yourself to have other balancing interests? Actions or places you put your attention and energy into USING what you find here on this board? Most anons would probably agree that focusing on the board day in, day out, day after day without a break, for more than a year! is not really a healthy approach. So the question is, what's actually driving you to come here every single day for more than a year? What's really driving you? I can almost guarantee you, it won't be obvious. It won't be what you think or what you tell yourself.

In other words, the fact that you've publicly announced this behavior is very likely your inner self creating the opportunity for you to reflect on: What's really driving me here? It's an important question that can lead to self-discovery, which can open the way to find DIFFERENT interpretations of the data and information you have.

Two, "100,000,000,000,0000000000% convinced, then I was convinced at the next event,..."

Again, this is a real opportunity to reflect on your internal processes and programming that might be running it. For any anon (or any human, really), its really, really problematic to be so convinced of something, especially something you know almost NOTHING about. You have no knowledge about any plans that DJT had, people he was working with, what tens of thousands, if not more individuals involved and groups and forces and organizations involved were doing. Just lots and lots of speculation, maybe calculated guesses. Hopes certainly, but not actual knowledge. So, why the heck are you so convinced about something you really know so little about?

In other words, why have you been so convinced that your own interpretations and ideas about what is going on are so perfect. Because that's what you've been convinced about. Nothing anyone else told you, as a fact. What you've been one kazillion convinced about is ideas YOU have had about what is going on. So, why are you so convinced about your own ideas? What's driving that?

What emotions are involved? What needs does that approach fulfill in you? Then why? These are worthwhile questions to be reflecting on, if you are going to be able to now approach things in a more satisfying and productive way.

Anyone who was tracking Q and had some semblance of an understanding that the Q operation is real and legit, and that DJT has been working with certain parties to bring about the fall of the cabal and return the US government back to the people, anyone with that general understanding or conviction had certain ideas about what might or what even was likely to happen, BUT anyone who has a even a 100% conviction about those things, when one knows so little about the actual facts of the matter, well, that's not reasonable. It's sort of unthinking belief. It's a belief created from what? And the fact that you put something like 20 zeros behind the first digit of your percentage of 'being convinced' shouts very, very loudly about how you're emotionally connecting with those beliefs.

So, the question is, why have you chosen to be so convinced of things you really don't know much about (I mean, the actual facts of what a large number of individuals and groups are going to be doing at any given time)? What's driving that?

Hey, I've never gambled in my entire life (dogs, horses, etc) but I put down three grand of our family's meagre savings that DJT was going to 'win the election'. And, after Jan 20, 2021, I was confused, probably a big shocked, and it took quite a few months to even digest the sense of confusion I was experiencing. But a KEY factor in digesting all that, and then actually finding solid internal territory again, was a very honest acknowledgement that "heck, I really just don't know what the heck is going on here."

Acknowledging that, and being at peace with that, gave me the necessary space to digest the impact of the unfolding situation, until over the months, I came back with an even much clearer sense and conviction with regards to Q and what Q is about. Much clearer and stronger than pre-November, 2020.

Having the humility to admit that, sure, I believe certain things, but at the end of the day, I just don't know for sure - that's a really important step in doing due diligence, applying reason, and not letting emotions, for example, overly shape your thinking processes.

Can someone fill me in? What am I missing here?

And that's it. Not to be too blunt, but you're missing a level of self-awareness as to what is driving you, as to where you are coming from, and WHY you have been taking the information provided to you (via the q operation, via anons, and via your own participation in the world) and interpreting it in a certain way (aka being 1 trillion percent convinced of certain things, without even keeping a level of humble recognition that ultimately, there are a LOt of thing you just don't know, so you cannot be 100% certain about how they will unfold, or what they mean). Really. Certainly NOT about things like what DJT is doing, what the White Hats are doing, and why.

And if you can reflect on and learn about what's driving your own internal thinking and behavioral processes here, you'll be in a 1000% better (ke, see what I did there?) position to actually take that information, and build up a better understanding, one that empowers you, that fills you with confidence, and inspires you, BUT without having to believe in certain things you just don't know about.

Emotionally, and mentally, that's not an easy place for anyone to be in. It requires a deeper level of faith and self-connection (which is in fact th foundation for building a connection and relationship with God, but that's another matter) that only comes by facing the difficult challenges of looking inside and asking "what I am doing this? What is driving me? Am I really aware of what's driving me? What can I learn here, about myself?"

If you do reflect on this, it will help you find out things you CAN be certain of, truly, because you KNOW, and then you can work from there.

In my own case, the only really certain thing regarding the Plan that I think I know now is that I really do NOT know much about the Plan, at least, not about the parts that others have to play in the Plan. But I do have a much more profound sense of what MY role in the Plan is, and also a pervasive sense that things are certainly moving forward.

The presence of very painful, very difficult and even tragic developments are NOT a signal to me that the Plan is not moving ahead. Because, in my view, what is at stake here is so massive, that it puts WW1 and WW2 way, way behind in terms of seriousness, and potential for suffering and disaster.

And that's my final point. To build perspective, you might benefit from working on grasping what really is at stake here. You'll have to figure out if that's the case of not. If its too heavy, that would certainly be a reason for focusing so hard on being convinced of certain things in order to emotionally push back the (painful) sense of what's at stake.

So, think about that, and figure out if that would help.

In my case, sometimes I need to NOT think about what's at stake. Because its too darn heavy. BUT, on the other hand, realizing that what's going on is so much bigger than most people imagine, that actually helps.

It's not about US politics. It's not even about the USA. This is about something much, much, much bigger, and the resolution of even thousands of years of buildup. In my view. But that's my view.

Possibly, if you reflect on and think about the billions of lives at stake here, it will actually put some of the crap, tragic, and horrible stuff that some people are going through in perspective. And perspective will yield both insight, and courage, and even comfort.

Hope this helps. Really looking forward to how things look to you in one months time. I'm guessing they are going to look rather different. (Not because of habbenings, but because you yourself are obviously in a process of growing and grappling with internal challenges, now verbalized externally, which is a powerful step, in my experience.)

Best wishes.