Sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind surrounded by all this darkness. Thank God I have Him to walk me through. I don’t think I could stand on my own two legs without Him. Feel like I would have anhero’d
I completely agree. The word has been so over-used and the Nazis of the 1940s are extinct. I, and many others, believe the Holocaust never happened. Take a step back and look at who the US allied with... Communists. That looks really bad. If you take away the Holocaust what do you really have against Hitler? If they can demonize Trump and traditional morals in the 21st century, where information is much more accessible, then they could demonize Hitler from the 20th century where information was much more constricted. Maybe I'm wrong, but most people have only ever heard one side of the story. Another point which I believe lends some credence to this idea is that the world doesn't get into the state it's in overnight. It takes a long chain of events to get to where we are. So when did that start? Probably long before WWII.
Yeah I sorta figured that much when I was a kid. This girl and I made it all the way to the state history progect at the ok capital back in 2003, doing a objective analysis of nazi Germany compare and contrast world market before during and after ww2. What we stumbled onto what a cluster fuck of a bad deal that was gonna turn Germany into what China became, a cheap labor slave state. Hitler said deals off. World market didn't like that.
The judges at history day loved it got gold in district and silver in state. If we got gold we could have went to nationals. But we don't know how that would have went. We didn't grasp the gravity of what we had found out. If I would have understood the scope of everything and how dangerous things can get I probably would not have done it. We just wanted to do a history day project that stood out and was different. Yeah many kids did nazi Germany projects but we thought, has anyone ever done it from a economic perspective. Man if only we had known why the judges had that look of awe on thier faces. Lol im sure they was thinking "its so obvious, these kids are close to naming a certain folk" That was the piece of the puzzle we had not come across, the ones at the helm of the world market and central banks.
This world is the devil's kingdom for now, but he is limited by the power and authority God grants him. One day the world will be destroyed in fire, the devil and all who follow him (and all false gods) will be cast into outer darkness forever, and there will be justice served for all of their crimes. The world will be reborn perfect and free from all evil.
“Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24: 14-15
Hang on. Amaleks are Israelites? Aren’t the true Israelites white people? Aren’t white people good? But I just looked up Amaleks and it seems sites be saying they’re blood drinkers and the enemies of Jews. So … Jews bad, we blood drinkers?
Sorry, I can’t follow this crap anymore. Any help from someone more knowledgeable in this than myself?
No way would they have just spilled the beans of a worldwide master plan.
I disagree. They love to throw it in your face. The part where he says "I'll tell you because no one will believe you anyway" is especially telling. Could be legit, tragically.
The holocaust definitely happened, the numbers may have been exaggerated, but there is no doubt that camps existed and many were murdered there. I have personally met two people that survived the camps. One was a young girl and still had her number tattooed on her arm when I met her (she was probably close to 60 when we met).
People today with the internet and knowledge in their hands have Covid vaccination IDs! Imagine in their time when everyone was functionally brainwashed to accept the world they are presented with!
They were the only ones actually fighting and killing the communists. Unlike the US giving the communists war material.
Give them credit for something.
But that's a stupid thing to say, we were never at risk of invasion. Germany wanted to end hostiles with England. Roosevelt was a communist sympathizer and wanted to support Stalin.
And I can confidently say faggots like you led us here reciting stupid shit like "You would be speaking German if the US didn't provide what they did."
So, this video seems to be looking for a less harsh page in history ONLY 350,000+ gassed according to this video? Even if this number is accurate, that doesn't excuse a damn thing. Not forgetting about the countless starved to death. She laments the treatment of the Germans after the war. BOO FUCKING HOO. They brought it all on themselves. The ultimate fuck around and find out.
It's babbys first JQ pill. Does no good to show anyone stuff from stormfront. The other day, I was talking to a seemingly based lady on all things MAGA but then while talking about the crazy teacher groomers -- she complained that her grandkids teacher told the class that the holohoax never happened. NO WAY THAT'S AWESOME! All I said aloud was "no way".
As stated, "real satanists mutilate children's genitals". The transgender movement serves Moloch through the mutilation of children's genitals.
Sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind surrounded by all this darkness. Thank God I have Him to walk me through. I don’t think I could stand on my own two legs without Him. Feel like I would have anhero’d
There is certainly a stark difference between the modern Trans green haired gay ukraine "nazi", Latino/asian "nazi" and the ones back in 1940
I completely agree. The word has been so over-used and the Nazis of the 1940s are extinct. I, and many others, believe the Holocaust never happened. Take a step back and look at who the US allied with... Communists. That looks really bad. If you take away the Holocaust what do you really have against Hitler? If they can demonize Trump and traditional morals in the 21st century, where information is much more accessible, then they could demonize Hitler from the 20th century where information was much more constricted. Maybe I'm wrong, but most people have only ever heard one side of the story. Another point which I believe lends some credence to this idea is that the world doesn't get into the state it's in overnight. It takes a long chain of events to get to where we are. So when did that start? Probably long before WWII.
Yeah I sorta figured that much when I was a kid. This girl and I made it all the way to the state history progect at the ok capital back in 2003, doing a objective analysis of nazi Germany compare and contrast world market before during and after ww2. What we stumbled onto what a cluster fuck of a bad deal that was gonna turn Germany into what China became, a cheap labor slave state. Hitler said deals off. World market didn't like that.
The judges at history day loved it got gold in district and silver in state. If we got gold we could have went to nationals. But we don't know how that would have went. We didn't grasp the gravity of what we had found out. If I would have understood the scope of everything and how dangerous things can get I probably would not have done it. We just wanted to do a history day project that stood out and was different. Yeah many kids did nazi Germany projects but we thought, has anyone ever done it from a economic perspective. Man if only we had known why the judges had that look of awe on thier faces. Lol im sure they was thinking "its so obvious, these kids are close to naming a certain folk" That was the piece of the puzzle we had not come across, the ones at the helm of the world market and central banks.
This world is the devil's kingdom for now, but he is limited by the power and authority God grants him. One day the world will be destroyed in fire, the devil and all who follow him (and all false gods) will be cast into outer darkness forever, and there will be justice served for all of their crimes. The world will be reborn perfect and free from all evil.
“Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24: 14-15
I don't want it to be true, but we all know it likely is.
The entirety of World War II was a satanic ritual.
God wins in the end
Thanks for the post
Saving Israel for last?.
very specific reason
Hang on. Amaleks are Israelites? Aren’t the true Israelites white people? Aren’t white people good? But I just looked up Amaleks and it seems sites be saying they’re blood drinkers and the enemies of Jews. So … Jews bad, we blood drinkers?
Sorry, I can’t follow this crap anymore. Any help from someone more knowledgeable in this than myself?
I disagree. They love to throw it in your face. The part where he says "I'll tell you because no one will believe you anyway" is especially telling. Could be legit, tragically.
Lol at the nazis were fighting against the devil
Don’t people get it? Both sides are controlled
Hitler was financed by Bush and the Roths
There are no good guys in a war
It seems this board is being infiltrated by Hitler lovers. What's up with that?
This dude's gramps had me until the very last sentence. Then he lost me.
The holocaust definitely happened, the numbers may have been exaggerated, but there is no doubt that camps existed and many were murdered there. I have personally met two people that survived the camps. One was a young girl and still had her number tattooed on her arm when I met her (she was probably close to 60 when we met).
People today with the internet and knowledge in their hands have Covid vaccination IDs! Imagine in their time when everyone was functionally brainwashed to accept the world they are presented with!
I love a good conspiracy but we should not take every 4chan post at face value. Many larps to be found
OK. But why moloch? Aren't there other evils to worship?
Nazis were not fighting against the devil. They were/are evil as they come. Ultra-progressive eugenicist meth head genociding psychopaths.
They were the only ones actually fighting and killing the communists. Unlike the US giving the communists war material. Give them credit for something.
That alliance ended practically the day the war did. You would be speaking German if the US didn't provide what they did.
Jokes on you, I already speak German.
But that's a stupid thing to say, we were never at risk of invasion. Germany wanted to end hostiles with England. Roosevelt was a communist sympathizer and wanted to support Stalin.
Fuck Nazi germany and Stalin both. If you were saddened by the defeat of Hitler, and it seems you were, fuck you too.
No, I'm saddened that we allowed our society to decay because we didn't take care of the communists.
And I can confidently say faggots like you led us here reciting stupid shit like "You would be speaking German if the US didn't provide what they did."
So, this video seems to be looking for a less harsh page in history ONLY 350,000+ gassed according to this video? Even if this number is accurate, that doesn't excuse a damn thing. Not forgetting about the countless starved to death. She laments the treatment of the Germans after the war. BOO FUCKING HOO. They brought it all on themselves. The ultimate fuck around and find out.
It's babbys first JQ pill. Does no good to show anyone stuff from stormfront. The other day, I was talking to a seemingly based lady on all things MAGA but then while talking about the crazy teacher groomers -- she complained that her grandkids teacher told the class that the holohoax never happened. NO WAY THAT'S AWESOME! All I said aloud was "no way".