I've lived in Houston and parts south. Left in 92.
Huntsville alabama (north bama) has tons of government money being injected into it's economy. Growing at breakneck speed, and attracting all the wrong people. I fear we're heading to a fight, for bama's soul.
I would live in the northern part of Bama (Huntington?) if I didn't already live in Texas. It would be a tossup between your state and TN.
In what parts of the Star do you grace ?
I've lived in Houston and parts south. Left in 92.
Huntsville alabama (north bama) has tons of government money being injected into it's economy. Growing at breakneck speed, and attracting all the wrong people. I fear we're heading to a fight, for bama's soul.
Oh what freakin shame about Huntsville. I live in Big D.
Dallas has the hottest girls in the world.
Many friends in D/FW area, try to visit as often as I can.
I agree with another post of yours, the Blue Ridge is entirely to beautiful for us to abandon her to the lefty loons.
Soon we'll reclaim All of America for Americans, Coast to Coast.
We bought and paid for it all with American blood, it's ours by right.
Amen to that!!! May God save America!!