I feel like gays and lesbians can be born that way but especially now, most are just confused or have a mental disorder.
The women you described sounds like a combo of the two. Not in a mean way. The lesbians I’ve known were pretty cool, in the sense that even they knew something was off but they just accepted it and owned it, not like the weird grown children stuff you see on Reddit.
Well part of the reason for the weird Reddit stuff is a big part of the transgender thing is social contagion. So these people were “suggested” into it versus “organic” like I was born with it. Probabaly the cognitive disssonance is what makes everything so weird. They’re getting short circuited
I was talking to two small town public school teachers. One is middle school, the other high school. They both agreed that 15 years ago they had about the same number of students who were "cutters" as they do today who are "trans or gender whacked". Social contagion is a fancy way of saying advertising works. When someone doesn't believe in social contagion in regards to sexuality or violence, I start off by discussing advertising with them. Super Bowl ad prices, gun ads, cigarette ads, etc. Average intelligence people can follow the advertising line of reasoning and come to realize and accept that porn, violent video/music, outrageous Pride displays et al are actually infectious advertising that sells.
Indeed. Social contagion, propaganda, marketing, brainwashing, PR. Elite social engineering. All very similar things and have a lot of overlapping techniques. Perhaps the only difference is who’s doing it and what’s the motive.
I feel like gays and lesbians can be born that way but especially now, most are just confused or have a mental disorder.
The women you described sounds like a combo of the two. Not in a mean way. The lesbians I’ve known were pretty cool, in the sense that even they knew something was off but they just accepted it and owned it, not like the weird grown children stuff you see on Reddit.
Well part of the reason for the weird Reddit stuff is a big part of the transgender thing is social contagion. So these people were “suggested” into it versus “organic” like I was born with it. Probabaly the cognitive disssonance is what makes everything so weird. They’re getting short circuited
I was talking to two small town public school teachers. One is middle school, the other high school. They both agreed that 15 years ago they had about the same number of students who were "cutters" as they do today who are "trans or gender whacked". Social contagion is a fancy way of saying advertising works. When someone doesn't believe in social contagion in regards to sexuality or violence, I start off by discussing advertising with them. Super Bowl ad prices, gun ads, cigarette ads, etc. Average intelligence people can follow the advertising line of reasoning and come to realize and accept that porn, violent video/music, outrageous Pride displays et al are actually infectious advertising that sells.
Indeed. Social contagion, propaganda, marketing, brainwashing, PR. Elite social engineering. All very similar things and have a lot of overlapping techniques. Perhaps the only difference is who’s doing it and what’s the motive.