Maybe homophobic isn't the right word. I'm not scared of them.
But man, I've noticed that I am simply REPULSED by them now. Drag queens, gay parades, monkey pox vax lines, and the indoctrination of children.
It is so obviously a sin and degenerate behavior. Have the same rights as us, fine. Whatever the Constitution states, I agree with. But they've created a storm of hatred towards them that will not end well for them. This is NOT what you want to do if you want to be accepted.
Maybe this is the intention of the deep state. To divide us. I don't care. I am disgusted.
Seeing kids get influenced by these demonic degenerates makes me furious. As much I know I shouldn't hate others, I can't help but be repulsed and have strong feelings against them.
Am I wrong for feeling this way?
I agree with much of what you said. There is nothing I can disagree with. I think clarifying what is banned is ANY talk about sexuality or something along those lines. It's funny that progressives USE the first amendment to say that they should censor people. They really have no principles.
I saw an interesting professor what was stating that this transgender mania is a big sign of the decline of an empire. It happened in Rome and other empires. The interesting thing about the US is that this is clearly being manufactured to brainwash people. It is intentional.
It is one way to accelerate the decline of our society, along with the many ways they are attacking us. So just like the dumb progressives always do, they are being useful idiots once again. Just like with ANTIFA and BLM.
The sad truth is that we all have the SAME enemy. They just pitted us against each other. But there needs to be lines drawn, and these LGBTQ people have no boundaries just like their group sex monkey pox orgies.
I can agree with that. I'd rather there be NO discussions of anything remotely sexual in public, regardless of venue or audience. Call me a prude if you want, but that's another problem with society. EVERYTHING is sexualized in some way anymore.
It's honestly why I stopped watching TV in general years ago, and never got through some shows like Game of Thrones. As for the transgenderism/fall of an empire phenomenon, it's pretty well documented throughout history, but transgenderism is the end phase. it ALWAYS starts with homosexuality and forced acceptance of queers, and ALWAYS ends at forced acceptance of transgenders.
The second to most recent example of this (counting our current time as the most recent), would be Pre-Nazi Germany. This is exactly what happened there. The Weimar Republic started going "progressive" and forcing acceptance of fags onto their populace, which led to ignored backlash. They also started trying to destabilize the economy through overprinting and hyper inflation. But everything came to a head when they started promoting transgenderism, performed the first gender reassignment surgery in history, and tried to start forcing acceptance of this stuff on the populace while grooming their children to be a bunch of trannies and fags.
Well any history book will tell you how well that went. We got Hitler as a result of the backlash. Being completely honest, I'm actually looking for one of two outcomes in the future for the US at least (Not sure how it will play out in other western nations). We'll get Trump back either way for at least one more term, and start fixing all of this crap. But what happens Post-Trump is where things can diverge.
Either we'll end up going full MAGA for the next several generations, which is the ideal outcome, or we'll end up with a Hitler 2.0 at some point. Even on here you can see that some of are becoming more and more intolerant of those we deem evil and getting more and more angry at our forced replacement (I'm not talking about white replacement, though that IS a thing. I'm talking about our replacement as Americans with foreigners who have more rights and opportunities than us.)
If things aren't handled VERY CAREFULLY we'll end up with an American Hitler in 5-20 years. Even after we destroy the cabal. You can't just make these feelings and beliefs go away easily after seeing the destruction and leeching of these people on our nation and culture. And that's EXACTLY how Hitler came to power.
So we're in a delicate situation either way, but something has to be done.