I like that attitude. More people need to use it as a badge of honor. There's a phenomena that occurs in education, in which the more specialized one is trained, the less they are able to see outside of the box. Many medical doctors unfortunately experience this. There is a certain 'hubris' and god complex when someone outside of their field challenge them. I've seen it with my own eyes.
I recall many years ago, I went into the doctor's office to get an echocardiogram done and the usual paper work was given to me to fill out. I left the vax☠xination part blank. A 'doctor' came in and tried to get me to approve a tetanus shot before continuing the ECG. He questioned me on why I didn't want to take the tetanus shot. I told him I can always get one of those at another time. I came in here for one purpose alone and that was the ECQ. I said I'd like to be on my way, so let's get the ECQ done. That really pissed this doctor off. I just knew he was a brain-washed vax☠xer.
I like that attitude. More people need to use it as a badge of honor. There's a phenomena that occurs in education, in which the more specialized one is trained, the less they are able to see outside of the box. Many medical doctors unfortunately experience this. There is a certain 'hubris' and god complex when someone outside of their field challenge them. I've seen it with my own eyes.
I recall many years ago, I went into the doctor's office to get an echocardiogram done and the usual paper work was given to me to fill out. I left the vax☠xination part blank. A 'doctor' came in and tried to get me to approve a tetanus shot before continuing the ECG. He questioned me on why I didn't want to take the tetanus shot. I told him I can always get one of those at another time. I came in here for one purpose alone and that was the ECQ. I said I'd like to be on my way, so let's get the ECQ done. That really pissed this doctor off. I just knew he was a brain-washed vax☠xer.