Zimbabwe to use gold coins as tender to reduce use of US dollars
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That doesn’t matter man!
Others who didn’t live there still stole their resources.
Those who stole the resources are the ones who rewritten history.
Has the Cabal not fucked up what is true or not true?
How many good guys that the Cabal has made? When in reality they are criminals.
I mean George Floyd was treated like Jesus dude.
I am starting to think the West are nothing but fakers to who act smart and accomplished.
What we have learned during this great awakening.
They are thugs who take credit by stealing and using alternative history to paint a good picture.
They say IQ is special. But can we believe them now?
They could be lieing about that as well.
Let’s think about this logically now.
It’s the west who had some of their most smartest scientists. Try to push the idea that mask work!
That standing 6 feet apart works.
How many western scientists have pushed climate changed???
When that’s a hoax as well!
We don’t know the truth about Africa. We only know what the west wants us to see.
Western "intelligence" agencies have funded and armed "resistance" movements and political opponents to destabilize African nations. Mercenary groups and private intelligence agencies have also been used to prop up division and competing warlords to keep these nations divided and chaotic. The Middle East, Central and South America and the Southeast Asian countries have all felt the impacts of these tactics. This is all for business interests to remove natural resources from these areas. The reason for all the chaos in Africa and many of these other countries is not organic. If allowed to develop without the seeds of disharmony and chaos, the third world countries would not be third world countries. This isn't about ethnicities and internal strife, it is about keeping them suppressed as a source of wealth and income for global elites. ALL human beings have the same potential. The same tactics we are seeing today that have been used to destroy our Western first world nations has been used for possibly 400 years to suppress the third world nations. The only countries that would be experiencing third world status organically are those with no natural resources.