I hear you my brother, and having studied overunity in it's many forms, I understand that science servers the natural laws it obeys alone, and I agree, Tesla but worked within the bounds of Maxwell's laws.
And yet to this day, we struggle to understand and replicate his work. Will his equal eventually come, probably, would it be a lost to loose all he has discovered, absolutely...
The wheel need not be reinvented, every time we need a wheel.
I hear you my brother, and having studied overunity in it's many forms, I understand that science servers the natural laws it obeys alone, and I agree, Tesla but worked within the bounds of Maxwell's laws.
And yet to this day, we struggle to understand and replicate his work. Will his equal eventually come, probably, would it be a lost to loose all he has discovered, absolutely...
The wheel need not be reinvented, every time we need a wheel.