Steve Kirsch: If viruses don't exist, then how can we see them?
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Wow. Quite a response, Morpheus11, and I appreciate the civil commentary and generous level of detail.
Your questions, among other things, have made clear to me that I am flatly unprepared to hold an opinion on this topic; my view is entirely from the mainstream -- something I laugh at where many other things are concerned. But the fact is, I grew up with and have never seen a need to question things like:
Penicillin kills certain bacteria
Probiotics improve the gut biota
Bacteriophages kill certain harmful gut bacteria
and then I read your "Germ theory is a hoax" and what I actually hear, or did hear up to this point, is something like "Germ theory has been over-used maliciously in the service of promoting Rockefellian petro-medicine and destroying natural and less harmful approaches" -- NOT that bacteria and viruses don't actually exist.
But perhaps that's the case, although I'm so far from being able to embrace that idea that it makes my head spin.
MANY smaller things are parasitic on larger things in nature. Animal bodies consist of tiny cells, and one-celled organisms were the ONLY form of life on this planet for perhaps a billion years; they certainly haven't disappeared. How likely is it that some of those one-celled organisms aren't parasitic in humans?
And viruses? They rely on the machinery in host cells to replicate (so I learned eons ago), much as certain wasps inject eggs into caterpillars, relying on the victim to provide sustenance for the baby wasp.
So germ theory still seems plausible to me, despite that most conditions of ill-health have roots in poor diet, bad habits, and other things than microorganisms.
Still, plenty of wrong and even bizarre things have been thought plausible -- even to Science! -- over the years, and I'm at least starting to wonder if this is one of them. That's what paradigm shifts are all about: overturning an entrenched view of things with a framework that more closely fits reality. I love paradigm shifts, and this looks to be a doozy if it pans out. I'll keep an eye on this topic but again: I'm not equipped to have an informed opinion at this point. In a few years, maybe; your questions have highlighted for me how much I don't know about the topic.
Thank you again for the reply.
Thanks for your comments Narg. Believe me, the first 5-10 times I heard someone say this, I laughed at the absurdity of their remarks and could barely listen to even 5 minutes of them making their case. I think this is true for all of us as we all "believe" we've "caught" a "disease" from a family member, co-worker, friend, etc. before. This is deep brainwashing that can't be unwound overnight.
As to your bullet list around penicillin and bacteriophages; anti (against) biotics (life) do indeed kill bacteria (and other cells of yours too). The germ theory INVERSION is, that bacteria are harmful. This is not true. All bacteria are a natural part of you, just like your cells and tissues. Your body makes them as needed to perform a wide variety of roles, as you know. The hard part to understand for most, in my experience, is that the primary role of most bacteria is to decompose tissue, as we see evidenced by carrion, spoiling food, etc. What few understand is that our body occasionally generates temporary excess tissue in order to improve the function of an organ/tissue/bone/etc. to help us resolve a troubling life event that catches us off guard. When we resolve this life event, the body then creates bacteria to remove the excess tissue in order to return us to homeostasis. This decomposition process is a putrefaction that enters the bloodstream and can make us "feel sick" for a few days, depending on the amount of excess tissue needed to decompose.
Anti-biotics prevent this natural healing and restoration process from completing, leaving the organ/tissue/bone in an impaired state, opening it up for future difficulties of a wide variety as you're never fully restored to your natural homeostatic state of well-being.
Now I understand, the allopathic claim which they shout from the rafters about how anti-biotics "saved so many lives", especially around pneumonia. It's true that in very extreme cases, this may be the case for elderly patients with many co-morbidities, or for someone who had an extreme case of pneumonia. But these situations are both rare. And further, the patient is left with impaired lung function and a much lower quality of life thereafter. For the majority of patients, the anti-biotics were totally unneeded. Had these patients been left alone to rest, they would have naturally recovered, as is the case for 99.99% of the time that doctors prescribe anti-biotics for anything. They may help you "feel better" sooner (a few days), but the long-term damage is incalculable.
The Net-Net to all of the above is this; your body always knows what it is doing. It never attacks itself, it never gets "invaded" by a microorganism and it never makes a mistake. It is only human intervention in this natural process that opens us up to a lifetime of problems, disease and "chronic ailments".
Hopefully I've made clear above, that bacteria do indeed exist - quite TEMPORARILY I might add. They are generated by the tiny "God particles" that Antoine BeChamp named "Microzymas". When the bacterial role is complete, through pleomorphism, they return back to being the microzyma, just as every cell in our body does when the organism dies.
And hopefully I was equally clear in my prior missive that viruses do NOT EXIST. Full Stop. They are a man-made mental boogeyman, theorized for about 100 years (1850-1950), but never seen/found/located until this fraudulent "viral culturing" process was invented by poisoning monkey kidney cells. This is when and where the controversy fully arises. As i hopefully made clear, this process proves absolutely nothing, just like their RNA ASSEMBLY process.
As to parasites, we have been misinformed about them as well. Parasites perform a beneficial and symbiotic role for humans. You'll hopefully note that there has never been a "parasitic outbreak or pandemic" in the history of man. This makes no sense if we are to believe the mainstream premise about them. Instead, parasites flow through our bodies on a regular basis. If there is nothing there for them to eat (toxic waste), they just flush through our systems. If there is toxic waste food available to them (normally in our intestines and colon), then they go to work to help remove it. And once again, this can make us feel sick as this decomposition process proceeds. But ultimately, it is to our benefit to have the toxic waste permanently removed, versus feeling sick for a few days or weeks at the extreme.
Your wasp example is not the same as the claimed virus behavior. Recall that "viruses" aren't "alive". They have no brain, no heart, no life systems (respiratory, circulatory, nervous, excretory, etc.), they are just pieces of RNA according to the mainstream narrative. So they cannot have a "goal" or a "reason to replicate" or a reason to "survive" or "procreate". The absolute insanity of the CLAIM boggles my mind now that I know what I know.
I do not ascribe to any of the "alternative" causes of ill-health either. For example "terrain theory", toxins, bad diet, bad habits, poor exercise, 5G, smoking, etc. Just like "germ theory", there is no scientific proof of any of these either. I think our body's are far too intelligent and resilient for any of these things to "cause disease". Instead, I believe the idea of "disease" has been completely INVERTED by the mainstream. I believe the cause of ALL disease begins with an unexpected life event that catches us off guard that we are unable to quickly resolve. Our psyche then makes temporary adjustments to help us cope with this conflict, be it to strengthen, improve, avert or defend against our perceived figurative threats to our survival (like losing a job, going bankrupt, losing a loved one, worrying about dying, becoming frightened over a situation, devaluing ourselves, separating from a loved one, etc. etc.). When we resolve these conflicts, the psyche reversed the temporary changes and this is when we "get sick" and what we call a "disease". For those who can never fully resolve their conflicts, they have "chronic diseases" as they cycle back and forth between feeling conflicted and resolution of their life problems.
This is a MASSIVE paradigm shift underway. Keep pondering it. It takes time to unwind. If nothing else, you sound like a perfectly open-minded individual that can reason for yourself. It also sounds as if you understand science. This is all you really need to come around. Nothing in germ theory or virology is SCIENTIFIC. Nothing. It's a pseudoscience by definition. No attempts have ever been made to falsify their hypotheses, nor do they ever run even the most basic elementary control experiments....FOR GOOD REASON. Of course some have, and they were either instructed to "look the other way" if they wanted to keep their jobs, or they were run out of their respective professions, demonized and smeared by their colleagues, etc. This is the sad but true state of things we find ourselves enmeshed in, on virtually every front. The BIG MONEY owns and controls all our institutions, and what they want gets promoted, and what they don't want gets ignored and suppressed.
Thanks for your feedback and open-minded attitude, it will take you far! Here's a fantastic video (2 hours 20 minutes) that broadly covers what I mentioned in this thread to help bring you up to speed, should you be interested in further informing yourself. "The Viral Delusion" ->