Derek Hunter, a radio talk-show host I listen to, has a decent take on this. He says (my summarization) who is China to tell anyone/politician in the USA where they can or can not go! I agree with that--either we tell China she is going--or she stays away because of FEAR. Once they said something, she should have, and did, gone. No matter who is really in charge of the country at this time. We are still America.
Derek Hunter, a radio talk-show host I listen to, has a decent take on this. He says (my summarization) who is China to tell anyone/politician in the USA where they can or can not go! I agree with that--either we tell China she is going--or she stays away because of FEAR. Once they said something, she should have, and did, gone. No matter who is really in charge of the country at this time. We are still America.