Yep, you can. Might see my comments above, but it's 100% legal if:
properly labeled
properly documented
origin and destination allow for transport/delivery
The problem with ammo is the packaging itself. This stuff gets busted during handling because UPS employees throw and toss boxes like nobody's business. The packages themselves are incredibly heavy and dense (imagine a 50lb shoebox for comparison) and typically have single wall carton (box) and a single layer of cheap ass tape applied top to bottom.
I've had to clean up and rewrap countless boxes of ammo and it's solely because the packaging sucks due to the items density, weight, and the fact our loaders throw boxes several feet onto metal rollers... Then the scanners toss them into trailers where more heavy shit is usually tossed directly on to them and thus the shit busts open and typically ends up in the trash once it gets the damage control area (DMP) due to several variables:
lack of proper paperwork/markings.
lack of product, e.g. half your case of ammo is still spilled in the floor of a trailer that's already left the hub.
lack of insurance! Most people don't buy insurance, thus UPS has the unofficial "ok" to throw overgoods (found items internally in the system) im the garbage after X days or no claimant.
box/label damaged to point of not being able to print out an RTS or forward recipient address
I could go on and on. There's no conspiracy here. Just Occam's Razor. Poorly packaged shit gets busted open and destroyed all the time. Same thing happens with cases of nuts, bolts, nails, machined parts, copy paper, etc. All very dense and heavy shit that is typically poorly packaged by the distributor or manufacturer paired with UPS grunt labor throwing your packages around with reckless abandon.
Yep, you can. Might see my comments above, but it's 100% legal if:
The problem with ammo is the packaging itself. This stuff gets busted during handling because UPS employees throw and toss boxes like nobody's business. The packages themselves are incredibly heavy and dense (imagine a 50lb shoebox for comparison) and typically have single wall carton (box) and a single layer of cheap ass tape applied top to bottom.
I've had to clean up and rewrap countless boxes of ammo and it's solely because the packaging sucks due to the items density, weight, and the fact our loaders throw boxes several feet onto metal rollers... Then the scanners toss them into trailers where more heavy shit is usually tossed directly on to them and thus the shit busts open and typically ends up in the trash once it gets the damage control area (DMP) due to several variables:
I could go on and on. There's no conspiracy here. Just Occam's Razor. Poorly packaged shit gets busted open and destroyed all the time. Same thing happens with cases of nuts, bolts, nails, machined parts, copy paper, etc. All very dense and heavy shit that is typically poorly packaged by the distributor or manufacturer paired with UPS grunt labor throwing your packages around with reckless abandon.