Lawyers for Alex Jones turned over evidence that contradicted his testimony
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I'm not following this story, but if his lawyers did something grievous, could that cause a mistrial? Any lawyers here who can tell us? Thanks.
Check the time line of Stoneman Douglas shooting, Q drop about it being a false flag and the start of the lawsuit against AJ and sandy hook, and a picture energes as to what purpose AJ serves.
...I think the "jury" is out on that one....
...the deck is stacked against Jones....
The "mainstream" brands Alex as conspiracy theorist ---- "conspiracies", like Elvis sightings.
Has anyone been sued for saying that Elvis isn't really dead?
...valid observation....
They can't have it both ways.
It’s a sham show trial. Complete kangaroo court. They’re literally filming for a movie in the court room
If it was a big MSM outlet, all they would have to do is print a retraction in small print
Search XYZ faked their death
...and we all know JFK is still alive --- the family can just be offended.
so I wonder if AJ can file suit against his attorneys for gross negligence in the handing over of that data. maybe make the attorneys pay what ever the judgement is. (I know it is really fantasy and will never happen) raised two valid points...
,,,being the suspicious dog that I am, I think this might have been a deliberate action to nullify the trial....
I don’t think that’s going to happen. The plaintiffs attorney requested the text messages, claimed Jones never sent them, but somehow now they have exactly what they requested but received it on accident. It doesn’t sound right, but it won’t be a mistrial. They are out for jones’ blood.
...and a pound of flesh....
"I gave my lawyers the phone."
Why would he give them his phone if he was trying to hide? I know Alex said this repeatedly on the stand, but it is a question that has not been answered.
Any civilian action to be taken against the court as is a frivolous suit? (Not a lawyer)
He admitted it was real like 7 years ago. This isn’t news.
...this is court reporting of his trial....
...which is news....
It’s not. I’m not sure if you read the article but it claims Jones admitted on the witness stand sandy hook was real, which isn’t news he said that years ago. And it also says he mentioned “sandy hook” in at least one text message, even though Jones said he didn’t. And the article gave no example of a single text message. This isn’t a court reporting, it’s the texas tribune and it’s mostly just an opinion piece. If this is where you get your news, I’d suggest you look elsewhere.