NYS fires over 30k+ healthcare workers with no severance benefits only to offer $10k sign on bonuses for travel nurses and bring in National Guards to fill nursing and admin positions. THEN you start offering $3-8k hiring bonuses...and now this? NYS is beyond retarded.
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

We recently received an email from our CEO thanking the National Guards who filled in. I had to step away from my computer for a bit after that one.
Its baffling.
WTF did the guard actually do??? There's a very finite amount oh healthcare professionals in the guard and you're going to pull them away from there day jobs to support someone else? Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
As a nurse I am not interested in working in that state. I am not interested as a traveler to take a contract in that state. With the current governing body in this state and crimes that go along with their policies, I am not interested in vacationing or visiting this state or NYC as well.
I have a neighbor who is a traveling nurse and she's making bank in New York, but the down fall will be her dying early from the jabs. That's called selling your soul to the devil if you ask me.
We recently received an email warning us about monkeypox. At this point I hope they require a vaccine and pull the same shit.
Can you imagine the conditions there for the nurses?
They are abysmal. To the point we've had multiple protests and negotiations with the nurses union.
I can't imagine. Really. I was able to stop being a hospital RN about 4 years ago, and I'm really thankful.
Me too!
Mental Hygiene Worker …🤣??!?
Brain Wash Professional
really, what is that?
Maybe those are the BRAVE marketing administrators fighting on the frontlines against unauthorized medical opinions and poor public image.
hahaha ftw!
Do NG have nursing licenses in the state? Or are they trained to take xrays and CT scans? How about putting in IVs, record keeping?
When NG called in my home town (when 84 seniors died in 2 weeks under orders of Levine and Wolf), all the NG could do was mop the floors and wipe down beds and night stands.
Around here they basically pushed carts and provided security. They replaced fired cafeteria runners, the people moving sheets, and the trash crew. The "smarter" ones took a crash course to get a CNA license over a couple of weeks. That qualified them to change bed pans, wipe butts, give sponge baths and observe the crazies.
Yes, I can't confirm this but based on rumors some of ours were given basically weekend courses for CNA/LPN certs and even then they weren't the typical courses or hours. I heard in california they are doing the same thing for teaching credentials because they are so short on teachers (yet another corrupt field and state).
We have a program in Texas called Temporary Nurse Aid. The nursing homes get paid more fed dollars if the staff is certified. So an experienced worker can view 8 hrs of online instruction, then test for CNA. It's a total failure. Even if the worker is the best worker in the facility, they cannot learn to take the test in 8 hrs. I wish they would do away with that program, but .... cannot give up those federal bux.
I have no idea who the NGs were specifically or if they had licenses. I wouldn't be surprised either if the loosened whatever requirements they need for licensure to fill in the spots either.
Hm I wonder too. Again - here in Texas, at the beginning of the pandemic, Graduate Nurses were allowed to work as RNs, with supervision. While they were waiting to test. To me, that sounds like a lot of stress for the supervising RN. Like having an orientee every day. It didn't effect me but I know a lot of my friends didn't like it AT ALL. Because, at the end of the day, it's the license that's responsible.
I live in New York, my career is over to this vaxx witch. The travel companies only send offers in NY state because the hospitals are desperate. The hospital that fired me begged me to get the jab and come back, while saying they respected my religious beliefs. I am not a nurse, I am a scientist, my job skill isn't replaceable but my job was easily handed over to foreigners with a work visa. In a state that a citizen needs a license to work in. Corrupt system including the NYSNA union.
nys is being run by pigloser's half sister ,,,,
Ng who likely do the same thing in civilians life taken from their 130k per year jobs for 4500k per month mil pay. Saves the hospital millions to funnel to dems. Slick move.
looks like they are paying bonuses for untrained health care workers in nys.
and it really is not all that much. $25 an hour x40 is $1k, right? x 52 is 52k.
Yeah I'm still not entirely sure if this applies to me despite being with this hospital for 5-10 years now.
Even if it did, its going towards a gun and silver when/if I get it lol
pardon, but you mean a "fishing pole" and silver?
I meant a supersoaker since this is an "unprecedently hot summer".
I sure hope nothing happens to anything I own when I go boating.
This is everywhere…minus the NG. Our hospital won’t increase staff wages but will bring in travelers or rns from an agency at double the rate. Stupid administration reigns the medical community.
Stupid by design.
Its ok to agree the NG is also stupid. That should not be what they are used for.
Yeah, we're really fucking stupid over here. 😭
It’s surprising to me that anyone would take anything official at face value. Truly astonishing
If they did at least we would have entertainment, but alas, they work whatever was appropriate for their department and just had different badges.