I think a false flag is still a real event. But does not occur naturally. It is planned and has an intended purpose beyond the destruction it creates. So, they are both fake and real. Real in that, thry did happen. Fake in that, it would not have happened on its own. Someone/thing put wheels in motion to make it happen.
its called saving your ass from forking over millions in defamation
He said he was wrong about it years ago dude. This is a smear piece the mockingbird media is running.
I think a false flag is still a real event. But does not occur naturally. It is planned and has an intended purpose beyond the destruction it creates. So, they are both fake and real. Real in that, thry did happen. Fake in that, it would not have happened on its own. Someone/thing put wheels in motion to make it happen.
Nobody died at Sandy Hook.
Jones may be broadcasting from a rented doublewide but he will be vindicated...eventually.
Upvote because this makes perfect sense….however sense is a downvote magnet at times.
He blows like all controlled opposition without integrity who ever and which ever way the wind asks him to blow
This must mean we can have a class action against all the MSM and their fake news.
This is full-blown communism, Orwellian in the extreme, beat us down until we say we see 5 fingers when there are 4.
And he fired Joe Biggs for coming out and talking about pizzagate too much.
Alex is not allowed to discuss certain issues.
Hey brother, he said that like 7 years ago. Stop pushing the smear pieces on him fueling the sham trial.