The vaxxed who didn't listen to us want us to listen to them now - we warned you all!
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
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Remember that we must show mercy even where none was given to us. God requires this of us despite the persecution. I have always said it's not illegal to be stupid, just inconvenient.
Mercy will be given were mercy is shown..
Blessings frens...
The mindbenders must pay for this. They knew what they were doing and how they were marching people into a trial drug with really no choice in some instances, like where the employer would require vaccination (they, the employer, should pay also).
media doctors nurses politicians and cdc and fda beurocrats must pay for their evil deeds don't get to cause this much pain suffering and death and just get away with it ...not for ANY EXCUSE you may come up with