posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +30 / -1

This analogy isn't perfect so if you're gonna argue technicality, enjoy talking to a wall.

A little known facet of films that you wouldn't likely know unless you were a movie going enthusiast is something called a "test screening". This is where people get invited to preview cuts of films that may not necessarily be the final product in order to sample audience reaction and consider re-edits or even reshoots for things that don't go over well. They don't always show the whole film either. Some test screenings can be scenes throughout the movie presented in a way that don't make sense. This is to help prevent potential leaks in the final product. Some movies even include scenes that were later deleted or will have several different endings to protect the correct one (misdirection, misinfo).

What does this have to do with GAW? Imagine your first movie experience. Remember how you were whisked away in spectacle and illusion as a story unfolded and concluded in a 2 and a half hour time span? Before this movie, you maybe had a trailer or two to get you interested in seeing the film. And if it was a brand name movie like Marvel or Star Wars, you probably had friends talking about it sharing wild theories and ideas... now imagine if you were a test screener for that movie. Imagine having everything spoiled for you in advance. How would those conversations with friends and family go? Well... you'd either ruin the movie for them and then they would hate you (show them some Q stuff) or you would honor your NDA, if you signed one, and stay quiet until the movie comes out...

The last point, movies take a long time to make. Yes, even in the digital age, they still take time and lots of money. The quick movies come out looking like crap whereas the good ones, the ones you remember often times take the longest... I'm ready for the final cut to drop just as much as anyone. But at this point... we gotta wait for it to hit before talking about spoilers. If the movie comes out too soon, it won't have the desired effect of waking people up to the reality that their world has been supported by the blood of children. And we know this movie will come out right when it needs too. Probably after economic collapse. "The ending is not for everyone" I think also has to do with us. We already know the ending so when it comes we won't be surprised, just relieved.

That said... we'll see what happens come November...