"This message from him is never to be underestimated as long as this evil man lives"
Great post overall, but this in particular is what I have been waiting to hear from someone. I took my own shot in a different manner, because I know for myself and some others it becomes personal, it was a soliloquy and evoked the mourning, the coffins draped in flags, the consequences of our subjugation to the mind of this evil being and his cronies in the War Room.
Look deeper into any of these individuals and you'll find deep seated psychological trauma, issues of trust betrayed, emasculation and indoctrination that serves as their boot camp from Lucifer to prepare them to lead the armies of Hell into battle. They never feel comfortable inside the white painted drywall of government buildings, signing cultural blase domestic legislations, allocations, leave that for the poofs. A bunch of drivel in their minds, they could care less - it doesn't INVIGORATE their spirit, and a closer look will show that to be painfully obvious.
These war gamers and Hell generals, Cheney, Wolfowitz and his ilk, who take after Kissinger, Albright and the generation below both of guys like Kirby, Blinken and Obama himself (who is in particular a FINE SPECIMEN and practically a posterchild of this personality and type of asset not dissimilar at ALL from Cheney; a topic which itself deserves further scrutiny) are highly influential and exceedingly dangerous.
A lot of people, even some of us "in the know" I feel have been fooled by the sound of the mockingbirds and the mirror funhouse maze that is 'official procedures and practice' and forgotten about this class of evil satyrs.
We are tempted think of them as bygones relics or relegated to title only positions that no longer operate levers of power. This would be a grave mistake. Look how they hide in the very same shadow of the administrative state, on ubiquitous council appointments or within the corporate machinery. We are tempted to think it represents a reduction of their power and influence but it is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. When these men appeared on our televisions, in front of the cameras, that was the time when they were soldiers ... nowadays they are older and have receded deeper into the muck of the swamp, to positions nebulous and unaccountable to John Q Public and this is by design. They have become generals in the army of their Blood God now, and are tapped for their wisdom and battlefield intelligence.
Thank you for remembering that and let us all remember the message. THEY NEVER LEFT THE GAME. Look how they all disappear into the ether in an eerily similar fashion each: Cheney, Chertoff, Obama, Gergen, HRC etc. The list goes on. Each of them an asset; some are not the evil ones but merely blind to their functions in the system.. deeper dives are required to spot the specific rungs on the ladder. Without too much detail and detritus I would suggest a look into the 5 draft deferments and then look to the shroud of intelligence agencies that hung albatross style around Obama's collar. He and Chaney are of a kind; never soldiers, never inside the chaos of battle, yet violence and war follows them like a shadow. Obama had a deep respect and almost competitive nature toward the 3 letter agencies - his personality suggested that he liked to know their level of physical conditioning and try to meet the goals himself. He wished himself a soldier or agent likened to ones in spy novels, and conducted hostilities with such a mindset. I would proffer to you that Cheney was not far away from a psychological profile akin to that.
Such people, while ultimately mere assets working for the globalist master race, are desperate for vision and control at all times. They remain in power from behind the scenes and it is simply not within their nature to "let go". Recall how Obama wistfully speaking of continuing to conduct business from a cellphone in the cottage basement. Now, why would Cheney be ANY different from that?
Make no mistake. Cheney has shown his face and spoken and it is meant as a direct threat. To who and what, other than Trump, I cannot say. You do need to suppose that the tension level is high however, because walking out of their shadows for even a moment is something not taken lightly, especially in the context of a man like Cheney and the legacy he left. He knows he is not popular, is what I'm saying. This is a threat, a violent, very violent threat. Do not misunderstand how dangerous these individuals are, to this very day.
Ultimately I'm putting some of this stuff on a Substack along with other articles. If it's okay with you I would like to put up our whole exchange because for context, I will list your username or whatever credentials you'd like, if that's okay.
Trying it because I've had a lot of positive feedback to my writing and I figure I should try to do something with it. If people enjoy it, or it helps in some way, I'm honored. Don't know where it's going but it feels like I should keep doing it.
Thanks again for your contribution and your flattery. Haha!
It's all good with me. I'm not sure what you mean by "throw[ing] your original post in over there." Do you want me to repost my writing in your thread?
"This message from him is never to be underestimated as long as this evil man lives"
Great post overall, but this in particular is what I have been waiting to hear from someone. I took my own shot in a different manner, because I know for myself and some others it becomes personal, it was a soliloquy and evoked the mourning, the coffins draped in flags, the consequences of our subjugation to the mind of this evil being and his cronies in the War Room.
Look deeper into any of these individuals and you'll find deep seated psychological trauma, issues of trust betrayed, emasculation and indoctrination that serves as their boot camp from Lucifer to prepare them to lead the armies of Hell into battle. They never feel comfortable inside the white painted drywall of government buildings, signing cultural blase domestic legislations, allocations, leave that for the poofs. A bunch of drivel in their minds, they could care less - it doesn't INVIGORATE their spirit, and a closer look will show that to be painfully obvious.
These war gamers and Hell generals, Cheney, Wolfowitz and his ilk, who take after Kissinger, Albright and the generation below both of guys like Kirby, Blinken and Obama himself (who is in particular a FINE SPECIMEN and practically a posterchild of this personality and type of asset not dissimilar at ALL from Cheney; a topic which itself deserves further scrutiny) are highly influential and exceedingly dangerous.
A lot of people, even some of us "in the know" I feel have been fooled by the sound of the mockingbirds and the mirror funhouse maze that is 'official procedures and practice' and forgotten about this class of evil satyrs.
We are tempted think of them as bygones relics or relegated to title only positions that no longer operate levers of power. This would be a grave mistake. Look how they hide in the very same shadow of the administrative state, on ubiquitous council appointments or within the corporate machinery. We are tempted to think it represents a reduction of their power and influence but it is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. When these men appeared on our televisions, in front of the cameras, that was the time when they were soldiers ... nowadays they are older and have receded deeper into the muck of the swamp, to positions nebulous and unaccountable to John Q Public and this is by design. They have become generals in the army of their Blood God now, and are tapped for their wisdom and battlefield intelligence.
Thank you for remembering that and let us all remember the message. THEY NEVER LEFT THE GAME. Look how they all disappear into the ether in an eerily similar fashion each: Cheney, Chertoff, Obama, Gergen, HRC etc. The list goes on. Each of them an asset; some are not the evil ones but merely blind to their functions in the system.. deeper dives are required to spot the specific rungs on the ladder. Without too much detail and detritus I would suggest a look into the 5 draft deferments and then look to the shroud of intelligence agencies that hung albatross style around Obama's collar. He and Chaney are of a kind; never soldiers, never inside the chaos of battle, yet violence and war follows them like a shadow. Obama had a deep respect and almost competitive nature toward the 3 letter agencies - his personality suggested that he liked to know their level of physical conditioning and try to meet the goals himself. He wished himself a soldier or agent likened to ones in spy novels, and conducted hostilities with such a mindset. I would proffer to you that Cheney was not far away from a psychological profile akin to that.
Such people, while ultimately mere assets working for the globalist master race, are desperate for vision and control at all times. They remain in power from behind the scenes and it is simply not within their nature to "let go". Recall how Obama wistfully speaking of continuing to conduct business from a cellphone in the cottage basement. Now, why would Cheney be ANY different from that?
Make no mistake. Cheney has shown his face and spoken and it is meant as a direct threat. To who and what, other than Trump, I cannot say. You do need to suppose that the tension level is high however, because walking out of their shadows for even a moment is something not taken lightly, especially in the context of a man like Cheney and the legacy he left. He knows he is not popular, is what I'm saying. This is a threat, a violent, very violent threat. Do not misunderstand how dangerous these individuals are, to this very day.
That's a great post. Maybe I missed something, but is this from a book or yourself? I'd like to save this because it is impressive.
No sir, no plagiarism - Brandon style - over here. 🤣
That's very high praise though! I'm flattered honestly, you thought it was that good. Feel free to peel it from here if you like.
I actually reposted it as it's own thread and permalinked back to your comment! I'll link over to it if you want to throw your original post in over there.
Ultimately I'm putting some of this stuff on a Substack along with other articles. If it's okay with you I would like to put up our whole exchange because for context, I will list your username or whatever credentials you'd like, if that's okay.
Trying it because I've had a lot of positive feedback to my writing and I figure I should try to do something with it. If people enjoy it, or it helps in some way, I'm honored. Don't know where it's going but it feels like I should keep doing it.
Thanks again for your contribution and your flattery. Haha! Godspeed
It's all good with me. I'm not sure what you mean by "throw[ing] your original post in over there." Do you want me to repost my writing in your thread?
Only if you wanted to. I linked to it anyway, no need really.
Anyways thanks!