Israeli COVID Vaccine Director, Physician and Scientist Prof. Shmuel Shapira MD, who suffered from an adverse reaction following his 3rd Pfizer vaccine, posted on connection between monkeypox outbreak to the Covid vaccines. Twitter locked his account and forced him to delete it.
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
When does this shit end ? The norms will never wake up until Big Tec and MSM is taken over. Mostly the elderly depend/listen to MSM all day. Its all they've known.
i agree about the elderly...most would not even know how/where to go for the real info...all these rotten bastards in/are lame stream media are too busy trying to keep their paycheck, rather than deliver honesty...i have roku, and epoch tv as well as rsbn are free thru them, and i was happily surprised to find that out!
Well the elderly had better wake up, too, because they are first in the rifle sights.