Reuters Links Deadly DC Lightning Strike To Global Warming
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It makes as much sense as saying that there are "comms" connected to a thunderstorm killing elderly people on holiday.
It's almost like you believe the news
Your lifetime odds of being struck by lightning are about 1 to 16,000. There are over a billion flashes around the world in a year. Fortunately most people survive. Nice chart of lightning deaths here showing that the area around DC has relatively few.
I can't believe 99% of this "It's comms!" stuff. Comms from God that you shouldn't stand under trees in a thunderstorm, maybe, but people aren't going around setting off lightning strikes, volcanos, tsunamis, sink holes, etc. to make some political point. I have yet to see some rationality behind any of these claims. Comms from whom about what directed to whom for what effect? Who communicates with events that have random results?
My great-grandfather was driving my then 9 month old father and my grandmother to his home for a visit in his Model A when the car was struck by lightning, Grandma had no later problems, Daddy turned blue but was okay. My great-grandfather died a month later from the injuries he received.