There are lots more, lots more. You never know, it may not be gays, it is straights too, working in the community for disabled persons, even though backround checks are done, people fly under the radar. I cannot begin to describe the awful things done to developmentally disabled children and adults, and pornographers use them all the time, if the shots reveal the disability, just the body parts are photographed and the abuse that is done to them, without faces, or else they are deep faked. I work with a man who is non verbal, he contracted venereal warts at the age of 14, while living in a group home, the suspect was never found guilty. Do not trust any man who wants to foster, or any sketchy people who make their livings providing care in their home. When I advertised for respite services, for someone to take my guy for a weekend, I used my gut instinct, there were 3 people I rejected who applied for the job. All men. Developmentally delayed people do not fight back, and if they have a language issue, there is no way of knowing. The videos that people take end up on Porn hub as homemade porn, and no questions asked. You can arrest the people that are found and hope they are sentenced, but that is like arresting the low level drug dealers.You have to end pornography, it must be outlawed, all of it.
There are lots more, lots more. You never know, it may not be gays, it is straights too, working in the community for disabled persons, even though backround checks are done, people fly under the radar. I cannot begin to describe the awful things done to developmentally disabled children and adults, and pornographers use them all the time, if the shots reveal the disability, just the body parts are photographed and the abuse that is done to them, without faces, or else they are deep faked. I work with a man who is non verbal, he contracted venereal warts at the age of 14, while living in a group home, the suspect was never found guilty. Do not trust any man who wants to foster, or any sketchy people who make their livings providing care in their home. When I advertised for respite services, for someone to take my guy for a weekend, I used my gut instinct, there were 3 people I rejected who applied for the job. All men. Developmentally delayed people do not fight back, and if they have a language issue, there is no way of knowing. The videos that people take end up on Porn hub as homemade porn, and no questions asked. You can arrest the people that are found and hope they are sentenced, but that is like arresting the low level drug dealers.You have to end pornography, it must be outlawed, all of it.