Careful now! People get insecure when you challenge their "all gays = pedophiles" worldview with your facts and life experience!
Every pro life virtue signaler needs to read your post twice. So many "pro lifers" will insist that more needs to be done to prevent abortion, yet they want someone else to do it for them... and when it comes to actual pro life issues like orphanages and ACTUALLY helping kids, suddenly they're too busy working their jobs and acquiring material bullshit while also scrolling and sharing boomer memes on Facebook...
I want abortion to be considered murder all the same. But we first need to facilitate a pro life society in ALL facets. Our adoption system is a fucking joke. It could not cost people $40,000 just to acquire a child to raise. Wanna take it out of taxes or whatever, fine. But the process needs to be overhauled. We also need to stop shaming single mothers and we need to KILL off the apathetic mentality that people have developed as a result of our evil system. "Well you shouldn't have been stupid!" By that logic, from Jesus's perspective, you should go to hell REGARLDESS of what you do and believe.
We want to point a finger at Soros and all the other problem children, but it seems people still need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. A lot of the routines and values we have been taught are VERY anti-life and if you are pro LIFE then you would want the best existence possible for ALL life, not just yours.
Careful now! People get insecure when you challenge their "all gays = pedophiles" worldview with your facts and life experience!
Every pro life virtue signaler needs to read your post twice. So many "pro lifers" will insist that more needs to be done to prevent abortion, yet they want someone else to do it for them... and when it comes to actual pro life issues like orphanages and ACTUALLY helping kids, suddenly they're too busy working their jobs and acquiring material bullshit while also scrolling and sharing boomer memes on Facebook...
I want abortion to be considered murder all the same. But we first need to facilitate a pro life society in ALL facets. Our adoption system is a fucking joke. It could not cost people $40,000 just to acquire a child to raise. Wanna take it out of taxes or whatever, fine. But the process needs to be overhauled. We also need to stop shaming single mothers and we need to KILL off the apathetic mentality that people have developed as a result of our evil system. "Well you shouldn't have been stupid!" By that logic, from Jesus's perspective, you should go to hell REGARLDESS of what you do and believe.
We want to point a finger at Soros and all the other problem children, but it seems people still need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. A lot of the routines and values we have been taught are VERY anti-life and if you are pro LIFE then you would want the best existence possible for ALL life, not just yours.