What has been your favorite rabbit hole to explore since you’ve awoken? Looking for ideas and also genuinely curious!
I’m genuinely curious what interesting rabbit holes have been explored by other anons and which ones still keep you going back for more.
It appears to me you use the word to state that a certain thing can be proven not true by a rebuttal. Did you mean it in some other way? Because reading your words again, that is what I see.
I would suggest that neither you, nor I, nor anyone really knows the Truth (AKA the Whole Truth) about this subject. The best we can reasonably determine (determine with the process of reason) is whether or not the evidence supports the assertion, and whether any doubts we have are reasonable (i.e. based on the process of reason, not fear, or desire, etc.). In other words, we can make the claim for ourselves using our critical thinking that a thing is beyond a reasonable doubt, but the word "debunked" suggests "truth" in some meaningful way, and all it requires to "debunk" something is to create a single convincing rebuttal against it. That is what the word means.
That word goes against all meaningful attempts to get at the truth of a thing. Debate never ends in that search. You can't debunk a thing, not ever, because the very word itself is a fraud designed to lead us down a path of believing whatever narrative someone convincing can give us that aligns with our particular biases.
Oh my goodness, fuck me. You bloody well understood how I used the word and all the pedantic pilpul and chutzpah isn’t going to change that. Dude, I’m so sick and tired of this bullshit
Nobody said the debate ends there, all this other roundabout shit you’re saying is so not needed. If you want to debate the topic let’s debate but you understood my meaning don’t play these fucking games with me
I have stated what it sounds like to me. If you would like to explain better what is going on, and what I missed, please do so. Suggesting I am "playing games" is not fair. Not only do I have no motive to do so, it is not within my character. I am calling it like I see it. If I am seeing it wrong, you will have to explain it to me.
In addition, I am not attacking you in any way. Taking it that way, which you seem to be doing, is outside of the scope of my intent.
We use the words and rhetoric we have been trained to use by the media, schools, echo chambers, etc., i.e. our interface with the larger world. We use these words and rhetoric even though they are forms of propaganda; they influence thought along certain lines of thinking. Pointing out those lines of thinking that keep us contained within The Matrix is basically my goal in life right now.
The very word "debunk" is one of those words that is among the most powerful that keep us contained within it because it is, all by itself, a built in argumentative fallacy. Yet everyone uses it, and believes in the power to "take the bunk out" by rebuttal (generally a single rebuttal is all that's required, and that rebuttal becomes "the truth"). But you can't take the bunk out. It is impossible. You can only present arguments and evidence in contrary, the debate never ends.
Words have meaning. The meaning of the word "debunk" is fraudulent. I only suggested you not use the word because of what it means. Offending you was not my intent. I'd prefer if you not take it that way.