What has been your favorite rabbit hole to explore since you’ve awoken? Looking for ideas and also genuinely curious!
I’m genuinely curious what interesting rabbit holes have been explored by other anons and which ones still keep you going back for more.
I wouldn't say this is my 'favorite' rabbit hole only because I can take no joy from my research, but definitely Pizzagate.
This is the topic that made the nonsensical begin to make sense for me. So much branches from this topic. So much.
Yep, when you realize that the old religions of Molech, Baal and the like are not dead but were pushed underground for the ruling class and practiced in secret for their safety from the masses. It starts to make sense.
When Hillary Clinton said she's going to sacrifice a chicken to Molech then you have to realise that she actually worships Molech.
Molech demands sacrifices. Molech will have your chicken, but Molech wants valuable sacrifices and a cheap chicken has nothing on a clean and pure human that you love.
Molech wants human sacrifice. Molech prefers children. Molech favorite is your own newborn child because it's not about sacrificing something of objective value, it's about sacrificing something of subjective value so that emotional pain is part of the sacrifice.
Once you understand that these people worship the old gods it all makes sense.
Does anyone wonder if the animal slaughter industry was set up as a worldwide sacrifice of living beings to someone they worship? Animals are living sentient, innocent beings too after all.
Someone on here once made a post that a lot of the animal slaughterhouses have very weird architecture and layouts, that point to it being set up for sacrifice.
They said they grew up around slaughterhouses and some of them are really fucked up in their design and what they have in them, but people don't want to hear about it because they enjoy meat and don't want to think about something they consume as being a part of it, so they've never made a big post about it.
It's something I've been meaning to look into, as I think it might be another big source of ritualistic sacrifice
Oh how interesting, thanks for sharing! I've made a little post before to get peoples opinions about it but it got majority downvotes so it didn't get too far! Cognitive Dissonance is a big thing when it comes to animals for sure.
I think it might be an interesting dig, might see what I can find too!
Just started my search on wiki and this sentence is quite interesting: "By the end of the Copper Age in 3000 BCE, animal sacrifice had become a common practice across many cultures, and appeared to have become more generally restricted to domestic livestock." I feel we're often hearing sacrifices were on deer, goats etc but wiki seems to say that Egyptian sacrifices were later restricted to animals like sheep, cows, swine, geese.
Also: "All or only part of a sacrificial animal may be offered; some cultures, like the ancient and modern Greeks, eat most of the edible parts of the sacrifice in a feast, and burnt the rest as an offering. Others burnt the whole animal offering, called a holocaust. Usually, the best animal or best share of the animal is the one presented for offering."
Definition of "A Holocaust" on wiki - A holocaust is a religious animal sacrifice that is completely consumed by fire. The word derives from the Ancient Greek holokaustos which is used solely for one of the major forms of sacrifice, also known as a burnt offering. Wow! Thinking of gas chambers.. Thats also what they use on pigs to knock them unconscious! Here's the link to wiki if you want a read, I haven't read it all yet but will do more digging! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_sacrifice
No, you do not eat a sacrifice or give a sacrifice away to be eaten. That's how you get painfully murdered by your god and punished in the afterlife.
You do not sacrifice a sick animal either.
You need to shift your thinking, you need to remember that a sacrifice is a dedication.
You need to get in their heads. These people are serious. They think they are serving God, they just don't believe that God is the father, son and Holy Spirit. They believe God is an androgenous male-female being of good and evil, order and chaos, and it wants sacrifices.
I don't believe they think they are serving God, rather satan is their god. They joyfully sacrifice to satan because they hate the one true God and have basically "sold their souls to the devil. They also sacrifice to incur favor, power and reward. I have heard some interviews with Satanists and they know exactly what they are doing. Also musicians and actors have said this.