What has been your favorite rabbit hole to explore since you’ve awoken? Looking for ideas and also genuinely curious!
I’m genuinely curious what interesting rabbit holes have been explored by other anons and which ones still keep you going back for more.
I don't believe they think they are serving God, rather satan is their god. They joyfully sacrifice to satan because they hate the one true God and have basically "sold their souls to the devil. They also sacrifice to incur favor, power and reward. I have heard some interviews with Satanists and they know exactly what they are doing. Also musicians and actors have said this.
Yes, there are "Satanists" but that's not what all of them are. That's one aspect. The Cult of Molech is another completely seperate religion all by itself. The Cult of Baal is it's own completely seperate religion all by itself.
There are many ancient religions and old gods who demand human sacrifice. That is why Abraham didn't question when God wanted a sacrifice of Isaac. Human sacrifice used to be a common element in worshipping the old gods ask around the world.