Wow! 💥 Las Vegas Smoke Shop Owner Repeatedly Stabs Masked Thief
💥 B O O O O O M 💥
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That's, surprisingly enough, often heard after someone is mortally wounded. The body usually knows when its ticket got punched. This kid didn't get stabbed in any nasty places from what I see so he's just panicking like a little bitch.
Not so sure, at least two of those very aggressive stabs were in the base of the neck region, maybe 3
We all know the jab is deadly but this punk took SEVEN jabs, got whacked in the back pretty good...lungs hate that from what I hear.
Looks like the shopkeep was trying to kill him. I can see the attorney for the criminal going after the good guy, "How were you in fear for your life while he was running away, being repeatedly stabbed in the back? Murderer!"...when in reality he's a hero and defender of the community from lowlife scum that deserves exactly what it got and then some.\
Gotta love the sudden softness of surrender in his voice as it trailed off into the darkness. "I'm dead. I'm dead...."
Hope so, loser. Have fun explaining to the Power That Be why you shouldn't be headed straight down to where global warming is actually real.
Does anyone else wonder if criminals might be more hesitant to walk in and rob a shop if they thought they might end up a pincushion? (I'm not so sure they would be; as dependent losers they're still gonna want money but not to work for it)
The knife most certainly didn't puncture his respiratory system. It looks like a 3 and half inch blade and combined with the heavy clothing I'd bet that knife never penetrated more than a inch or two. It's remarkably hard to stab someone, despite what movies like to show. You can get lucky with a little folder like that but there is a reason dudes in the know carry daggers. Even then the guys who practice this stuff professionally don't stab. It's all a game of cutting and slashing, that way you don't eviscerate your own palms.