Nuh uh!!!! The only way to get money is honest hard work!!! This just sounds like Communist propaganda! You're just a lazy poor person, you don't deserve money the way Soros does! He worked hard!!!!
But seriously, I'm glad to see people are realizing that the free market isn't actually free and that some rules will be necessary to facilitate a FAIR system. I'm all for working hard to make as much as you want, but exploitation is wrong. Yes, we all have to do some amount of work. There are jobs that NEED to exists... but I am pretty sure most of the current "jobs" are total bullshit with the purpose in mind to grind the human spirit into dust.
Nuh uh!!!! The only way to get money is honest hard work!!! This just sounds like Communist propaganda! You're just a lazy poor person, you don't deserve money the way Soros does! He worked hard!!!!
But seriously, I'm glad to see people are realizing that the free market isn't actually free and that some rules will be necessary to facilitate a FAIR system. I'm all for working hard to make as much as you want, but exploitation is wrong. Yes, we all have to do some amount of work. There are jobs that NEED to exists... but I am pretty sure most of the current "jobs" are total bullshit with the purpose in mind to grind the human spirit into dust.