All jews are fake jews. They aren't semites, they're from Ukraine. It isn't a religion it's a racially supremacist ideology. You can't say God doesn't exist and be a "racial Christian" but there are a ton of athiest jews. It doesnt matter how much you practice the "faith" they won't let you in israel if your mother isn't a jew. It's a matriarchal society like blacks which is why they act so feminine. lying, cheating, and stealing and blaming the victim is female logic.
Literally everyone in your list is a jew besides "shabbos goy" pelosi and kid sniffing Biden
Fake Jews, maybe? Not really practicing Torah, but Talmud and satanism undercover?
All jews are fake jews. They aren't semites, they're from Ukraine. It isn't a religion it's a racially supremacist ideology. You can't say God doesn't exist and be a "racial Christian" but there are a ton of athiest jews. It doesnt matter how much you practice the "faith" they won't let you in israel if your mother isn't a jew. It's a matriarchal society like blacks which is why they act so feminine. lying, cheating, and stealing and blaming the victim is female logic.