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Stop being a tax payer already. Just walk off the plantation. And please don’t tell me all the reasons why not. I know them all. Just stop.
would love to, as would lots of others i am sure.. but HOW??? any useful details somebody could provide on HOW to actually do this would be great
GAW users: Operation Ruby Ridge, Waco TX massacre, don't take them on yourself.
Also GAW users: stop paying your taxes, let's see what happens.
Same GAW users: no legal recourse / advice for how to do it cleanly 🤦♂️
I’ve never said one single thing about ruby ridge or Waco.
Of course there is no legal recourse, because they own the legal system. By submitting to the legal system, you establish yourself as a taxpayer. You give yourself a title of slavery. Recognition of their authority over us is what makes us owe taxes. Do you know what legal means? It means of or pertaining to the lord or the king. How can you possibly beat a king in his own system?
Advice to do it cleanly? It will not be clean.
What you are recommending will get the few of us killed.
Plus they're adding 87,000 IRS members. Like they won't weaponize that?
You go to hr and revise your w2.
They still take out for medicare/Medicaid and ss. Its not as easy as just claiming all exemptions. My husband and I already have it so we dont ever get money back but pay in or as close to 0 as possible.
First, don’t pay. Then when they take you to court, request that they to present a claim to your money signed by a man/woman. Only taxpayers have to pay a tax. You’re not a taxpayer. Obviously this advice is insufficient. But the first step is to not pay. The simultaneous first step is to tell others not to pay. No man or woman has any claim to your money. We have been duped into agreeing out of fear and literal belief that we are contributing to the greater good. What’s ours is ours.
I have the same question. I was self employed in 2021 and haven’t filed yet. I sure would like to tell them I owe them zero dollars. Edit- …without being garnished or incarcerated.
This is where I'm at. Many of us are ready, but if its not widespread, they will just arrest the few who stop complying, then that's the end of it.
It needs to be millions who stop at once - and that will only happen at the precipice or when some very difficult truths are finally revealed to the public.
Really what is needed to support a movement to stop paying taxes is the backing of larger corporations, as much as I hate corporations. If the corp makes the decision for its thousands of employees to stop withholding, as part of a broader movement, then the IRS wouldn't even attempt to start rounding people up