Does this include leaving the country to further avoid the vaccine? what he said makes me think that would also be illegal.
Though I can also read this quote like ‘unvaccinated people have the right to remain unvaccinated’, because he’s literally saying that any action taken against a person choosing to be unvaccinated is illegal
Apologies for any confusion. The subject line is a direct quote from the interpreter's feed.
It appears someone asked "when will the vaccine mandates be gone?" He said: "From today! So, if you act against someone because they declined to be injected, then YOU are acting against the law.
In other words,
"You cannot discriminate against the unvaccinated as of today!!!"
No worries, I saw a few other comments that interpreted this as negative but after reading a few times I could only take it as a positive. Good for costa rica!
Does this include leaving the country to further avoid the vaccine? what he said makes me think that would also be illegal.
Though I can also read this quote like ‘unvaccinated people have the right to remain unvaccinated’, because he’s literally saying that any action taken against a person choosing to be unvaccinated is illegal
Apologies for any confusion. The subject line is a direct quote from the interpreter's feed.
It appears someone asked "when will the vaccine mandates be gone?" He said: "From today! So, if you act against someone because they declined to be injected, then YOU are acting against the law.
In other words,
"You cannot discriminate against the unvaccinated as of today!!!"
No worries, I saw a few other comments that interpreted this as negative but after reading a few times I could only take it as a positive. Good for costa rica!