My business has improved. My attitude has improved. (I still get pissed at faggots but I get over it much faster) My chronic back pain is 100% gone. And, I'm told I look younger.
It's not just what's going on in politics that makes America Great. One happy healthy patriot at a time. Trump never says "I will MAGA." He says, "Together, WE will MAGA." That can mean many things. Yes, get involved at local levels and support GAW. But also, be your best in every way you can.
And, if you're struggling with alcohol, get help today. I promise you, your life will be better in a very short time. MUCH BETTER. Make health your goal. Be a shining light for your family. That's what ALPHAS do. LFG
Moderation is always key.
Gluttony is easy, especially for those depressed... or poor, forced to eat cheap, high carb/processed "foods" which are are also addictive (and feed Candida).
Gut health is vital to healthy mind/living (yeah we know) yet so many struggle with nearly half of Americans considered overweight if not obese?
I believe part of the "Plan" will eventually address this issue, which I also believe is directly related to Big Pharm/Agriculture all in the name of $ and, of course, human extermination [see: Guidestones, Georgia].