I have a feeling this is going to come back and bite the FBI in the nutz BIGLY! …. Can’t wait to find out how!
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They'll plant evidence if they can't find something to suit the narrative.
Planting evidence came immediately to mind. When the so-called “justice system” has no morals or scruples, anything is possible. And to think that merrick garland might have been on the Supreme Court - sends shivers . . . And it says a lot about Mr. Obama who nominated him.
I'm sure everything is being recorded at Mar-A-Lago. In a few months, it'll be a made-for-tv docu-drama. You just wait and see. 😉😋
I felt they will plant something. The media has been pushing Hagerman saying Trump destroyed Presidential notes and they have a pic of a piece of scrap paper in the toilet. They are going to try and say he took and destroyed these notes or papers which supposedly takes away his chance of running again
Good Lord, their plots get dumber and dumber. I have to assure them all that there is no bathroom that Trump enters that anyone else can enter immedietly afterward.
And they very well may already have. According to Eric Trump, the Feebs did their raid without any Trump reps (lawyers) present. Hannity (ugh) did the interview with Eric just a bit ago if you're interested in seeing it.
And did Hannity shut up long enough to let Eric talk?
Amazingly, yes. Eric did most of the talking/venting. Rightly so. By his account, this was effectively a big, brash, burglary operation.
They could have done that anytime, right?