I have a feeling this is going to come back and bite the FBI in the nutz BIGLY! …. Can’t wait to find out how!
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How is this a trap exactly?
So many on this board and eleswhere have called for raids on everyone from Clinton to Obama. What precedence has ever existed before now for this kind of thing?
NY Post's Miranda Devine (first one to expose Hunter laptop in Oct 2020) informs us that the boxes the Archives wanted were sent back weeks ago.
Again - even less of a precedence for a raid like this. Procedurally, Trump's safe would have been removed and iventoried, not broken into on site as it might be in a 3rd world dicatorship. 30 agents with guns drawn in a dawn raid on the residence of an ex-Pres, and most had no knowledge of a warrant even being issued? Lawyers being refused a presense as every room in the place was raided, and papers taken?
Fact is: there was nothing there to be seen. And Trump knew this. But they raided him. They stepped over a line that has never been stepped over, especially for the reason cited.
Outcome of the raid:
See title.