It's Five O'Clock Charlie! Remember him? From MASH? He's back. THE PLANET'S SHITTIEST, STUPIDEST TROLL. His gimmick? The usernames he makes. Today's? u/PutTrumpInPrison. OMG. Are you serious...? PLEASE DO THIS. WE BEG YOU! LIBTARDS! PLEASE PLEASE ARREST TRUMP! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!🤣
Night Crew
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I used to think he was funny when I was a libtard!
Hello fellow former libtard!
Wow, you're FORMALLY a former libtard! Nice work, frog.
If they only knew how many of us they had lost by chasing the rainbow.
I used to think John Stuart, Steven Colbert, and Lewis Black were funny too...
However, even in my most liberal of liberal days, I still would not have found Trevor Noah funny.
Jason Bateman was my hall pass until he shared his politics.
Yeah... disappointing!