Our patriotic friends on The Patriot and elsewhere are panicking and freaking out. Don't be like that.
Q told us three important things:
- Patriots are in complete control.
- Trump is 100% insulated.
- You are watching a show.
If the DS could have taken DJT, they would have by now. Reflect on how much "in control" the White Hats have been in for awhile. They got John McCain, possibly the most powerful Republican in congress to quietly leave the scene under the pretext of cancer to accept his fate--whether that be the needle, the rope, or Gitmo. The Deep State couldn't do a single thing about that.
At this point of the game, the DS certainly will not have any power take actual legal retaliation against DJT.
I reviewed the 45 people DJT followed on Twitter and there was one that really stood out to me-- Vince McMahon, owner of WWE. I don't think DJT was necessarily great friends of Vince's. I do believe Trump is a great admirer of the shows McMahon put on. There was really nobody better at creating heroes, villains, drama, and and plot twists than Vince McMahon. I believe Trump and the white hats have been working hard to manipulate real events and even generate false events to create an awakening.
Everyone knows that in good shows the hero is almost out for the count, when he heroically rises and totally defeats the villain. Buckle out, because we are not even to that point yet.
Stay comfy!
Trolls will troll. We got him this time #5483. Bwhahaha.
If you guys approach everything that is going on as watching a movie and we should just sit back and eat popcorn. You can not be saved. You will just sit in your basement until the round you up.
You just confirmed my statement.