Guys. I haven't stopped crying since we got this modmail. It's over?? The FBI raid on Trump's house—that means he can't run in 2024?? What was in that safe!!! A tear-stained confession to all his crimes? I feel totally crushed and need your suppor—OH GOD, I CAN'T TYPE FROM LAUGHING. What is this??
Qomedy Qold

Whatever the case is, I'm really getting tired of all the bullshit from the people who haven't grown up. That's all this really is, a bunch of people who never grew up from being children. They still act like bullies, respond with fear. It's so tiring.
I really hope we bring back hangings in the public square. Each person charged deserves due process, but capital punishment needs to come back so we can cull out all the pedophiles and communists.
I had friends in college, 40 years ago, who never grew out of being Democrats. Virtually everyone is a Democrat in college, but then they grow up :)
Not everyone, but in public schools I can see them keeping it on the DL.