List of Transfers of Power-these look so suspicious. Why is the date and time so precise? Bad guys appear to be up to something. The 7-14-85 transfer to Bush was clearly weaponized to seize power. But were these transfers to Cheney (George HW Bush's close #2 buddy) also weaponized to give Cheney full control?
6-29-02 Bush Jr. to Cheney transfer:
7-21-07 Bush Jr. to Cheney transfer:
Cheney wrote a letter to his kids as "President". What else did he do?
Lots of "Fact Checking" around this topic make is very suspicious, but it needs more digging.
Here is the structure for other countries:
Countries with a Prime Minister: The Deputy Prime Minister is the Corp Chairman Italy: The President is the Corp Chairman The Vatican: For our purposes we are calling it a country. The Secretary of State is the Corp Chairman. Plus the Vatican is the only "country" the elects its leader via the board of directors.