I don't follow the mainstream. I only posted a History channel link because that was the first link that came up for a story that I know is true. Look into it if you don't believe it.
I don't believe it, I think it's some truth mixed with lies, and conjecture. The same media whores who wrote the script after WW2 are the same ones telling us today the 2020 election was the most secure in history, mRNA vaccines are safe, and 80 billion dollars for Ukraine is a good use of taxpayer funds. You can trust those sources if you want, I won't trust anything any mainstream outlets say ever again.
Yea, cause I'm sure History.com is gonna tell truth, instead of spew globohomo propaganda.
It is common knowledge. If you think you can debunk it be my guest. Otherwise, you are just spreading ignorance and divisiveness.
Yes, yes and hoaxocaust gas chambers and 6 million dead jews is also "Common knowledge" according to the mainstream.
I don't follow the mainstream. I only posted a History channel link because that was the first link that came up for a story that I know is true. Look into it if you don't believe it.
I don't believe it, I think it's some truth mixed with lies, and conjecture. The same media whores who wrote the script after WW2 are the same ones telling us today the 2020 election was the most secure in history, mRNA vaccines are safe, and 80 billion dollars for Ukraine is a good use of taxpayer funds. You can trust those sources if you want, I won't trust anything any mainstream outlets say ever again.