Nothing shakes them-
Epstein and his association with the highest levels of government, celebrity, business and the end meant nothing to them
Getting raped over and over by crooked politicians...nothing
The police state grows...nothing
Economic collapse...nothing as long as they can watch netflix and eat a pizza with beers
Open borders....nothing
QR code and being treated like actual cattle....full blown acceptance
We are now at a stage where their children are being taught, entertained and brainwashed by actual pedophiles, some dressed as demons, others just promoting pedophilia and communism....absolutely nothing for the majority
What are these creatures? Are These human beings? NPC's?
We're at a level of disbelief here...and nothing.
The thing you're missing my beloved fren, is God. And maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me like your a little hopeless and definitely alone. Fear not, for He is with you, with all of us. It's unfortunate that you've been ostracized, but take it as a sign that you're on the right path as hard as that is. Sometimes we must walk alone in order to find ourselves. Sometimes we must save ourselves before we can save others. Trials and tribulation makes strong people out of us, for without trials, why would we need God? If we believe we can do this purely out of our own strength, why would we put our faith, trust, and worries in God? Rest your weary head on the Lord and know true peace, body, mind, and soul. I hope your life situation improves. God bless you till your cup runs over. Love you fren
I'm good, actually, I'm just not a Q follower, not an anon. Using the royal "I" and whatnot.
God is great, but the Father of Lies has a tight stranglehold on the Q movement. It is a demon-haunted world with greedy selfish enemies posing as righteous noble allies, lying for profit/fame/attention; tread carefully.