Running from something? Running to something?
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"Japan’s government resigns in its entirety | BusinessToday"
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Also a reminder to use Nitter! There are many web addresses that are less slow than the most commonly used (likely because they go to different servers that are less backed up). For example,
Here's a list of all nitter web addresses
Try out private messaging apps like Session and Signal and talk to your friends and family about getting them as well so your conversations can remain private.
But not fake!
Yeah this Jordy Cat Lady person is saying the source is fake but they're unable to back up their claims
She either needs to follow her heart or perhaps her heart has led her astray. It happens sometimes.
My wife, bless her, has always had an affinity with those rubber sticky arms, you know the ones you get in gumball machines? Anyway, last year we were in the theatres seeing some bourgeois movies can’t remember which one. She had wasted another toonie on one of those darn things and was swinging it around, teasing me and just being a general nuisance for a 33 year old lady. As fate would have it she mistakenly struck a wheelchair bound lady with it. It was embarrassing but the lady had a great sense of humour about it and the night proceeded normally afterwards. After the movie we got into my truck and went home, tucked the kids into bed and went into the garage where I beat her for embarrassing me in public. She hasn’t bought one of sticky arms since and our marriage has never been better.
Well that's one way to skin a cat.
You sound fucking nuts but some of your posts are pretty great. You do you but don't be a commie.
This last comment seemed like you were fishing for information. Idk what that's about, nobody likes a wife beater...