222 Those Reddit guys are really devastated about new CDC guidelines (media.greatawakening.win) 🤡 Clown World 🌎 posted 2 years ago by Young_Patriot 2 years ago by Young_Patriot +222 / -0 90 comments download share 90 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Cute, that one of them references "They Live" implying that they are the ones wearing the glasses.
Right? That one actually made me laugh.
Given that John Carpenter says that he adapted the film as a "take that" against Reagan I'm not surprised, leftards always think they're the ones who see through the Matrix when they're the blue pillers.
No, it's the N95 masks that give you true clarity.
If only you'd gotten into an alley fight with a Redditor who slapped one of those masks on your face, you'd know better, Frank.