So just a few short weeks ago there was talk and and panic about New York prepping for a nuclear fallout type of incident. Now with the narrative that President Trump had the nuclear codes or whatever, one must ponder the possibility that they are getting ready for their false flag event involving nuclear weapons...
I really hope I am over thinking this...
From my research there were no planes. They were CGI'd in after the fact. A plane simply can not penetrate into a steel reinforced building in its entirety with one fake view point showing the complete nose of the plane coming out the other side of the building. That unto itself destroys the plane narrative.
With one huge exception with the theory of project blue beam.
A helicopter reported explosions only. They were promptly ordered out of the area.
If you really believe this then you are a fucking retard. There are thousands of New Yorkers that were on the streets that day and they all saw the planes (Trump included!). Were they just...what? Mass hypnotized? Massively bribed? Every single one of them is lying for some fucked up reason?
"From my research."
Can you tell us what exactly your research consists of?
"Project Blue Beam"
There are a lot of things that happen in the world that make me wonder what's actually going on but when you say fucking stupid shit like this it is literally insulting.
Once again the videos showing planes completely cut through steel reinforced buildings to the wingtips like a hot knife through butter is impossible. That I do know and understand.
Even Trump on that day questioned how the hell that happened
If a big bird smashes into the nose of a plane it destroys it yet one of the videos shows a plane coming through the other side of the building intact like a ghost.
There were no actual planes hitting the buildings .
Now you can light your hair on fire because you simply can't understand nor deal with it then disrespect and attack me from the safety of your keyboard at home but that's not going make you right.
And what do you say to everyone in NYC (a moderator here included) that literally saw the event with their own eyes? That your bullshit basement keyboard theories are more believable than what they saw and personally witnessed?
You have not actually answered any of my questions with anything other than your obviously uneducated opinion of what is 'impossible' because you 'know and understand'.
All your retarded ranting and pretending you know anything about what you speak won't make you right either. Personally I will tend to believe the people that were actually on the streets that day over some brain dead fucktard typing bullshit from his mancave.
Believe what you want. I don't care.
How did they composite personal recording devices?
Either plants or blue beam. We know Massad was there celebrating the towers being demolitioned. There were no airplane parts on the ground. Maybe others can weigh in here.