I spent 10 years of my life in a professional sales position. I know exactly what a pitch looks like. I know how to get others to buy my system or sign on to my platform. Ten tricks to real estate only 14.99 and if you order now you will be able to download every single moment of drop box video. I am not impressed with ripcord. I am sorry if this offends you but I have enough sense to know that this is not the storm. It is nothing more than a couple brilliant patriots building a community of election integrity advocates. We will find that threre is nothing more in all of this than we, those paying attention, already know. I hate to burst any bubbles. I can hear Dave now. “Let’s talk about your online privacy!” I can hear LT saying “have you heard about collagen?” This is positive stuff but it is not the bomb everyone was hoping for. It is time for patriots to realize that “WE” are the answer. We must remain peaceful! God wins! We win! But we cannot remain quiet any longer. It is time to stand firm on truth. To be proud of what is righteous, and to Lift high the name of the rejected messiah. In all, ripcord was a waste of time in my opinion. I could have been doing something kind for another.
Comments (17)
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I agree wholeheartedly but didn’t want to say anything. This reminded me of those “Work from Home” commercials where they give you broad, general info and then you have to send in $59.99 for their work from home kit.
You described it perfectly. I got banned for 14 days for calling out the same.
I disagree I think this was a great thing. Telling the full story is an important thing for spreading truth. Maybe it didnt move u in the way you thought it would but I bet it moved some. Awakening is a process. God has a plan. Keep faith in God alone. Not in different actions by man. It's an important lesson we must all learn.
Patrick gunnels wasn’t impressed either. The last power hour was very interesting.
I didnt see it like that. I saw it as a really simplified basic layout of a bigger picture. It was a needed step so the truth can fully be revealed
I saw it. I just didnt see it as nefarious. More of an explaining things and ways to counter stuff. It was almost like a backstory to this chapter of the story. I understand what your saying I just dont agree
Imagine this… People can do more than one thing at a time. The people that put time and effort into this thing, good for them! If it takes people out of themselves, and looking at the truth, than good. And guess what you consider priced at the same time. Amazing
It’s only a tool and I think in the future this tool will be used in the public sector rather than the private sector.
Of course like all tools, when in the wrong hands, can be used for evil.
sounds like the big stuff was said off camera. some of the special guests believe it was a big deal.
There’s part two tonight. That’s the part that seems boom cause I’m just finding out about it. Tonite on rsbn
I thought I was pretty tuned in and I listen to X22 daily. Never even heard of ripcord