Dog tests positive for Monkeypox, transmitted by his gay couple owners. Lesions and ulcers found on anus 🥴 Poor dog… Used to satisfy some sick, twisted fetish 😞
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

From article linked above:
They had been co-sleeping with their dog - but said they have have been "careful to prevent their dog from contact with other pets or humans from the onset of their own symptoms".
Despite their efforts, their dog tested positive for monkeypox virus after presenting "mucocutaneous lesions, including abdomen pustules and a thin anal ulceration".
New research, published on The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal, reads: "On July 23, 2022, monkeypox was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
"Human-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus usually occurs through close contact with the lesions, body fluids, and respiratory droplets of infected people or animals.
"The possibility of sexual transmission is being investigated, as the current outbreak appears to be concentrated in men who have sex with men and has been associated with unexpected anal and genital lesions."
It's still unknown if domesticated cats and dogs could be a vector for monkeypox - and the Lancet says this case may have been acquired through human transmission.
We have a dog, and sometimes he sleeps in our bed. At no time whatsoever has his anus ever come in contact with either my wife or I.
If the dog had lesions on his nose, that would be explainable and normal. His anus? Any thinking person can grasp what was going on there.