Doesn't matter if the kid was strapped in, or if the parents were OK with the kid being there: it's child abuse to drive a kid while you are high as a kite. Regular DUI parents lose their kids all the time for being charged with DUI and a kid in the car.
Also. Not his child. That one gets taken away and he’ll just get a different one (if concealed passenger was a child) . This is entirely different than a parent losing their kid.
Doesn't matter if the kid was strapped in, or if the parents were OK with the kid being there: it's child abuse to drive a kid while you are high as a kite. Regular DUI parents lose their kids all the time for being charged with DUI and a kid in the car.
Also. Not his child. That one gets taken away and he’ll just get a different one (if concealed passenger was a child) . This is entirely different than a parent losing their kid.
Where I live dui with anyone under 12 or 16(not exactly sure of which age) it's automatically a felony dui charge.
"Regular DUI parents lose their kids all the time for being charged with DUI and a kid in the car."
Odds are Mr Pelosi's "passenger" is already in the a foster care program.
Foster "care" systems are a place where [they] frequently shop as if they're picking up groceries (only taxpayer paid/funded).
"Cleanup on I-5"
Then local LEO's, media and Ray Donavan types clean it all up.